Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Best Defense Is A Good Offense!

  This truism is often used when referring to the sport of football, but it is also true when serving in the military -- especially in a war zone...

Forgive me, but I will use that military analogy, again, to make a point of what is going on in our world today, and, more specifically, in our beloved country...


When I was on the perimeter, in the dead of night, in Vietnam, we were, for all intents and purposes, in a defensive position.

My bunker-mate, or my observation tower-mate, had the big M-60 machinegun locked and loaded and ready to make any enemy attackers pay the price in their attempt to penetrate American soil...

If attacked, our tactics did not allow us to leave our bunkers and move forward to engage in combat with the VC, or NVA attackers, but to stand fast at our position; there was no choice...  

Yes, it was a defensive position, no doubt about it.

The same would hold true if rockets or mortars were fired over our heads -- or at us, as did happen to me and my ammo feeder on one heck of a scary night...

But!  If and when there was an ground attack -- the most terrifying of all scenarios -- our job would quickly morph into an offensive operation, by necessity...


By the use of overwhelming fire-power and the immediate increase of ground and armor forces to engage and repel the enemy.  Without those enhanced forces, the battle could very well be lost; that was not an option for us as a unit, nor for me personally...

The battlefield, however, is not the only instance where the best defense is a good offense... 

Take, for instance, the current "battle" going on regarding our rights as a free people, in our Republic -- founded by those men who realized that a monarch, 3,000 miles from our shores, could not force us to become slaves to unlawful, illicit dictates that violated the Natural Law and our consciences... 

But that is exactly what is happening today; right now, on Main Street, U.S.A...

Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, the man that occupies the Oval Office on Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C., is a fraud!  Not duly elected, but installed by those evil men who are determined undermine our Republic, and turn it into a land that is not free, and not the home of the brave...

What is the end goal of such anti-freedom God-haters?  Their agenda is becoming more clear with each passing day: to make loyal Americans submit to the likes of the new-world-order elites through intimidation, "vaccines," fear-mongering and the ultimate goal of brainwashing John and Mary Q. Public, into being afraid of their own shadows.  If successful, the next step is the registering and eventual confiscation of all fire-arms; make no mistake, both are related... If that huge roadblock can be overcome, then implementing their diabolical agenda will, most likely, become a horrible reality...


The best defense is a good offense...

Can, or will it be peaceful?  That's up to the Marxist traitors; in all instances, our response must be equal to, or greater than the force used against us...

The ball is in their court... we will not submit!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle that is to come...

Gene DeLalla

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