Thursday, August 5, 2021

HELL At The Southern Border; Young Children And Adolescents Sexually Assaulted And Biden/Harris Don't Give A Damn...

 We know that at the end of time, the TRUTH will triumph over lies and dishonesty.  In fact, the greatest example of this fact will be manifested when our dear Lord returns to judge the living and the dead.  

In the meantime, it is up to the living -- you and me -- to make, as sure as possible, that the lies and hatred for the Natural rights of all people, spewed by the likes of the anti-life, Christ-haters, Biden/Harris, are exposed for the hypocrites they are.

No, I'm not talking about the sexual harassment charges by more women than I can count, against the pervert, Biden.  That's a known fact.  I'm talking about what is occurring at the southern border of the U.S. of A... And it's not just the smuggling of vast amounts of the deadly drug, fentanyl, usually used in combination with other drugs of choice, to form a witches' brew of addiction and death, it is also the ongoing invasion of illegal aliens -- along with some of their children in tow.  There are numerous reports of young children and adolescents being sexually assaulted/abused by those deranged punks having direct charge over them...

This on-going, diabolical manifestation reminds me of another misuse and abuse of females (and males?) by the so-called U.N. "peacekeepers" when sent into some war-torn, ravaged country, only to add to the degradation -- and rape -- of the residents!  It is obvious that evil knows no bounds to those who reject God and the Natural Law... 

These reports come from on-the-scene-reporters and investigators, but to date, the leftist, Marxist media refuses to cover the stories of this hellish tragedy.  It is up to the "alternative" media folks to expose this crime against humanity.  And it is being exposed... To their credit, some Republican senators and congressmen are reporting these crimes to those who will listen...

Where is the outrage; the cries from the feminists to end the attacks and abuse of young females -- and males too, for that matter??

Why should anyone be surprised that this is actually happening?   We know that Biden is an apostate Catholic, and fully supports the slaughter of the pre-born, so why not sacrifice non-American, born children too?   He certainly doesn't care about the assault and rape of those younger than 18, or 16, or 14, or even 12 years-of-age, so long as he -- and future Demonrats -- can count on the illegals voting for the party of death in future elections?  

There seems to be no accountability; no justice being meted-out to those who perpetrate these heinous acts, or those politicians allowing this to happen in the first place, and, I expect, there won't be.  At least not in this life...

And who is responsible for the ruination of these young people's lives?  ...  As President Truman famously quipped: The buck stops here -- at my desk!  

As we know, the current desk is being occupied by that pathological lying, incompetent Biden, with his bought-and-paid-for Harris as a potential backup, that is, after Biden can no longer put together a coherent sentence, or walk a straight line...

These are the times that try men's souls... It will get worse, much worse before the American people rise up and defend what is left of our Natural rights as, given to us, not by government, but by our Lord and Creator, Christ Jesus...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle that is to come...

Gene DeLalla



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