Saturday, August 7, 2021

Church Militant Organization Slandered! Their November Prayer Rally In Baltimore Un-Constitutionally Cancelled By Demonrats At The Behest Of The "Catholic" Bishops Cabal...

  Not satisfied with a near-destruction of the human element of the Church, these apostate, mostly homosexual "bishops" have now shown their true political colors, by depriving one of the last independent church investigative organizations left in the U.S., and, in fact, in the entire world, of their Constitutional right to free speech as protected in the First Amendment of our foundational document...

But the "bishops" didn't have the guts to man-up to Church Militant and explain their un-American actions, no, they had one of their Baltimore, Demonrat lackeys do their dirty work for them.

The slander?

The Baltimore pols reported -- in collusion with the bishops -- as the reason for the cancellation of Church Militant's prayer gathering, that there was the potential to incite violence -- AND! -- Church Militant's association with the January 6th deadly, false flag operation!!  That's what!

But, wait!   There was not, nor has there been, any association of Church Militant with anything that went on in D.C. on January 6th.  None whatsoever... And never have they incited violence, or incited others to violence.  Never!

So, what was the real reason for having C.M.'s contract cancelled?  The bishops conference does not like the fact that C.M. calls out those bishops who, well, have "come out." And, too, their corruption and cover-up of child and adolescent abuse over the years, while, at the same time, persecuting good priests who have the guts to speak the truth from the pulpit.  And that includes the condemnation and admonishing those homosexuals and pro-abortion pols that they cannot receive Holy Communion -- and that they will end up in hell -- unless and until, they repent and make a firm purpose of amendment not to commit those un-natural sins again. (Homosexuality and abortion -- willful murder of the pre-born -- two of the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance!)

But Church Militant is not taking this slander quietly... On the contrary, they are fighting for their rights as I write this.  This is a developing story; stay tuned!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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