Sunday, August 22, 2021

The MURDER Of Ashli Babbitt Part II...

  After an "internal investigation," the Capitol police lieutenant who MURDERED an un-armed, wife and Air Force veteran, Ashli Babbitt, has been "exonerated"!!!!!


What justice?

There is no justice, period.

Not in this life, but rest assured, you murdering, cowardly reprobate, you will pay for killing an innocent American woman, who was exercising her rights, demonstrating for a redress of grievances as guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution, which, I'm sure, you treat as nothing more than toilet paper.


This, my dear readers, is why I have written in previous missives, that the police, in many instances, are the shill enforcers of the new-world-order, elitist, Christ-haters.  And, if anyone is wondering why I describe such miscreants as Christ-haters, that is because the globalists scoundrels think, in their heart of hearts, that they are equal to, or greater than their real Master, Jesus Christ.  They serve the father of lies, Satan... But there will come a time when such barbarians will have to pay the piper, and the price will be paid for all eternity!


In the meantime, there are other Americans, from the January 6th demonstration, that have been locked in solitary confinement, and from what I understand, have been physically mistreated.  This my friends, is the American Gulag!  The old Soviet Union has been firmly entrenched in our country by rogue, renegade Marxist sympathizers who are now in-charge of the courts, the colleges, universities, and the so-called "department of justice."

We patriots are in a life and death battle for our Republic, our traditions, and our ability to worship our good God, as well as our rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution.  If we don't resist and exercise our rights, we will, for all intents and purposes, willingly submit and walk right into that heinous Gulag, without the enemy having to fire a single shot from any "assault rifle."

We cannot let that happen!

And while we debate and "dialogue," Mrs. Ashli Babbitt is lying in her grave; there is no recourse for her; there is no "appeals court" where she can seek justice for her murder, and her husband and family are left with broken hearts and a major void in their lives...

This illicit regime in the White House has emboldened the radical Left, and are complicit with the destruction of our traditional institutions, as well as attempting to stifle and discourage true patriots from regaining our country from these demonic forces...

As the old saying goes: it ain't gonna happen!

We will, in the long run, be successful!   How can I be so sure?  Because we have God, His Most Blessed Mother and the terror of demons -- the spouse of the BVM -- Saint Joseph on our side!!!!!!

We also know that the Blessed Virgin Mary will be the one that will crush the head of Satan, and he will be cast back into hell for all eternity...  

I ask the following rhetorical question: how would you, anti-American, Christ-haters like to spend eternity with your buddy, Satan??   Think about that prospect for a minute or two...

(As St. Paul relates to us in the Bible: stand fast to the traditions you have learned, either by our word or our epistle.)

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michal the Archangel, defend us in the battle that is to come...

Gene DeLalla


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