Tuesday, August 3, 2021

An American Gulag? American Political Prisoners Within Our Own Country?

  Remember January 6, 2021; President Trump's rally in D.C.?   If you do, then you also know that a major false-flag conspiracy was hatched by the enemies of freedom -- read: our own deep state "intelligence" agencies, including the CIA, FBI and the "Department of Justice."

You may also remember that an unarmed Ashli Babbitt (a married woman) was murdered by a Capitol police officer, shooting her through a door window...

That murder was heinous enough, and, as of today, that cop still has not been brought to justice for his crime of killing an innocent American...

But did you also know, that several hundred Americans have been arrested -- some without officially being charged with any crime -- and some are secluded in solitary confinement as if convicted by a jury of their peers and sentenced according to the law?

To date, there have been no trials, and no trials are scheduled because any "evidence" is being withheld from their attorneys until 2022!

My dear readers, please understand what that means, being a citizen of the United States of America, in 2021 -- The Bill of Rights be damned, that's what it means!

We also know that some of President Trump's supporters obviously got swept-up in the moment, and joined those plants (infiltrators!) to "storm" the capitol building.  I put the word storm in quotation marks, because if one looks closely, you will see the police are actually guiding the "protestors" into the building.  There was no attempt to slow down or stop those folks.  It's as if this was planned from the beginning!  And their plan worked to such an extent, that the extremist, left-wing media lackeys have brainwashed far too many Americans into believing that such an act was an "insurrection," as the Demonrats have been proclaiming for months now, with an phony "investigation" -- sponsored by that bastion of justice and Democracy, N. Pelosi...

Right now, the America-hating Demonrats and their useful idiots in the media, along with those in the corporate world, and the likes of Antifa and the so-called Black Live Matter, Marxist movement, are having a field-day with unchecked violence, looting and burning our cities.   With the Gestapo FBI swat teams aggressively intimidating  law abiding citizens with raids in the middle of the night, such as Mr. Roger Stone, scaring his wife half to death, yet letting the real criminals escape arrest, prosecution and conviction...   This is all an attempt at suppressing our right to redress our grievances, or disagree with the powers that be...  But that's not all...they label anyone who opposes them, as right-wing extremists and/or as being a white-supremist, or both -- even black Americans who support the real rule of law, as well as, heaven forbid, President Trump! 

(Since when can a black American be a "white supremist"??)

Since the anti-Christ, anti-life Biden regime took office on January 21, 2021, the situation of race-baiting, as well as declaring any political opponent as un-American and a potential domestic terrorist, has taken on a life of its own.  This is especially true with the traitor, Mayorkas, at the helm of the Dept. of Homeland Security, denying legitimate Cuban refugees entry into the U.S, while, at the same time, allowing literally hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to invade our country...

The irony here?  Mayorkas is a Cuban refugee himself, or at least his parents came to America to escape the very ideology and suffering  that is now being perpetrated by the Marxist scum in the White House -- on his own countrymen!

I am beginning to wonder just how long freedom-loving, God-fearing Americans are going to put up with such coercive, in-your-face tyranny?  Not to mention the twisted, un-Constitutional plan to "mandate" vaccinations of the entire American population...

The time is quickly approaching when freedom-loving Americans will have to decide if they (we) want to be a free people, or submit to petty tyrants as slaves... 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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