Friday, August 13, 2021

The Public School System: Incubator Of Evil... Get Your Kids Out Now Before It's Too Late!!!

  I am not the originator of the phrase: As the church goes, so goes society, but I use it quite often in my articles because it is a truism...

In light of that fact, it can be determined that today's progressive agenda in the public school system is due to a lack of preaching -- from the housetops, that outside the Catholic Church, there is no salvation for any human creature... Or, the lack of preaching from the pulpit that a morally depraved life can, and will, lead to perdition (hell).

Why the silence from our shepherds?

Who are these shepherds?  Are they really the successors of the Apostles of Christ??

What is their goal?

If what we hear coming from the writings and speeches of pope Bergoglio is any indication, then we know what that goal is: to transform the Church of Christ into a non-descript, relative organization that will, or, has already capitulated to the spirit of the age.  We can also say that it has, or, is fulfilling, the so-called "spirit of Vatican Two"...

We can also blame the secularists who are supposed to be our elected representatives, as well as the liberal court system that has decimated any vestige of God or religion in the public schools.  Add to this moral disaster, was the devastating, and deadly decision by the Supreme Court in 1973, Roe v Wade, that made the killing of the pre-born "legal"...

I have also written in previous articles, that if all the cardinals, bishops and priests -- and laity -- marched down Pennsylvania Avenue the day after the slaughter of our precious pre-born brothers and sisters was said to be found somewhere in the Constitution as a matter of "privacy," then that decision would have been almost immediately made null and void by massive protests and jail-time for those clergy willing to put their lives on the line for the little ones... 

Think about it: we would have another 60+ million, moral and God-fearing Americans helping our nation to prosper and grow, as well as bringing us closer to our final destiny: the Beatific Vision of Christ, our Lord in the heavenly beatitude.  By the way, that is the true responsibility of all government!

But that march never happened...

What a monumental difference the annihilation of the pre-born has made in the way we look at life...  Which includes the dramatic decrease in the sanctity of life, which has led to other forms of moral deviancy, such as rampant -- and now recognized -- homosexuality and "marriage"; the moral turpitude of so-called "sex-education" for our school children, and that includes being pushed in some "Catholic" schools as well... another endless list can be written here...

And now we have "parents" trying to change the sexual direction of their girls to boys, and boys to girls!  What an eternal price these lunatic "parents" will have to pay at their Particular Judgement; whether they believe it or not, it will happen...

I cannot believe that parents who have children in the public school system, and now even in some "Catholic" schools, keep them enrolled and see them graduate completely brainwashed about God and country...  Parents would do well to get them out of there, pronto, and home school.  The destiny of their immortal souls is at stake -- and so is yours!

We are bombarded and surrounded every day with matters that seem to be overwhelming, but never give an inch!  We have a Champion on our side: Christ, our Lord, and His Most tender Blessed Mother, Mary to intercede for us... What a winning combination!!

The days of the demon are numbered, and he knows it!

Pray for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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