Friday, September 10, 2021

Did The (Former) Ecclesia Dei (Latin Mass) Communities Wave The "White Flag" To The Villain, Bergoglio?

 I am furious!


(If you are a practicing, traditional, Latin Rite Catholic, and you are not aware of what the heads of the (former) Ecclesia Dei communities wrote to Rome, then I suggest that you make it a point to become aware!)

I have a question for those "leaders" of those communities: why did you beg those modernists for "patience" and "dialogue"?   (As an aside, I despise that word "dialogue," because it is nothing less than capitulation, at least, and complete appeasement at worst.)

Look, in order to deal with the globalist, Marxist, modernist heretics, you all must come from a position of strength!  United we stand, divided we fall... An army general does not look across the battlefield and send out a Jeep with a couple of his troops waving a white flag and ask for "dialogue"; no, he evaluates the situation, including the strength and strategy of the enemy, and responds with overwhelming force to neutralize and destroy that enemy... If he does anything less, he should be court-martialed for treason!

In your combined letter, you said that you accept the magisterium, including that of Vatican Two and what follows?????   


What could you people be thinking???

You have waved that despicable, soiled, filthy white flag!


What are you afraid of???

What comes first, the Faith of our Lord and the authentic teachings of His holy Church, or to win the praise of those who despise your (our) very existence???

Our Lord is very specific about judging people and organizations by their FRUITS... Are your collective eyes closed to the events of the past 50 years?  The -- novus ordo -- church is in a shambles, racked with scandal, moral turpitude and betrayal of the Natural Law!  It is dying on the vine -- and quickly, I hope...

I attend the Institute of Christ The King, here, in Kansas City, Mo...  I always love to witness the large and growing families that fill the pews every Sunday and holyday, as opposed to the childless pews in most novus ordo churches...  I am waiting for the next "sword of Damocles" to fall on our wonderful, TLM community, as those who surround the bishop are not exactly friendly toward the traditionalist Latin Mass communities.  And now, those very same clerics are emboldened by the actions and words of the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio...

One more question for those "leaders" of the Ecclesia Dei communities: are you men ready to fight and die for your flocks???  

Appeasement never -- NEVER! -- works!  

If we have to join our faithful brothers and sisters as in the underground Church in Red Communist China, then so be it... 

If, the Christ-haters are successful in wiping out the TLM, and all that is left is the novus ordo, my family and I will never attend it; never!

Danger close!

Pray for strength and honor -- and for discernment!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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