Monday, September 13, 2021

Counterfeit...Sick...Parallel "Catholic Church"...

 Please watch the following videos from

Mel Gibson endorses Abp. Viganò’s remarks on Vatican II, says 'sickness afflicts’ the Church - LifeSite (

Believe it or not, there are still "conservative," "traditional" Catholics who will defend Vatican II all the way to their grave!  Ignoring, of course, the demons that it unleashed upon the authentic Catholic Church, and those faithful who live and die by the faith of Christ -- without one iota of compromise!

Two symptoms of the present malaise in what passes for the establishment Catholic Church, is that of hypocrisy -- and pride -- in the worst sense of the word... 

Without humility, there is no possibility of sanctification, whether personal or institutional, such as in the church... As it stands now, those in charge, under the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, have shown their true, rotten fruits.  As the saying goes, one rotten apple can spread to the good apples destroying the whole bushel... And that is what we have in the current make-up of the so-called "Catholic" hierarchy, with few -- very few -- exceptions...

Pray for the conversion of these apostates, but not for their evil intentions...

Pray, too, for strength and honor for what will be coming down the road for faithful Catholics...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

PS...  From time to time, I like to explain something about the three priests that I close my articles with... 1) Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro was a priest during the persecution of the Catholic Church in Mexico back in the 1920s... This bold and faithful priest of God, went around in disguise to bring the Mass and sacraments to his flock... He was eventually caught and shot by a firing squad.  Just seconds before the shots rang out that killed him instantly, he spread out his arms to form a cross, as our Lord's precious arms were spread out on the Cross on Calvary...  He is now a "blessed," with one more step before being officially declared a Saint...

2) Fr. Emil Kapaun, was a priest captured during the Korean War... while a prisoner, he used his wits to provide the Mass and sacraments to his fellow G.I. prisoners... He ministered to all -- Catholics and non-Catholics alike... Eventually, he became ill and died, as did many of his follow captives...

3) Fr. Vincent Capodanno... Was a chaplain assigned to the Marines during the Vietnam War... He died in the middle of a battle, attending to wounded and dying Marines... He finally succumbed to to burst of automatic weapons fire as he was giving the Last Rites to a Marine... He was killed during the month of September, 1967 -- three months before I arrived in Vietnam... 


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