Thursday, October 14, 2021

Church Militant VICTORY!

 A federal court judge has ruled that the City of Baltimore violated Church Militant's rights under the First Amendment, and ordered the City not to interfere with the rally scheduled for November...

The City of Baltimore immediately filed an appeal to the Fourth Circuit in an attempt to stifle, and, in effect, destroy the right of freedom of speech and religion of the Church Militant organization...

It is apparent that the City is working hand-in-hand with the "Catholic bishops" to prohibit, not only the right to free expression, but also they are afraid of having an entity to counter their anti-Christ agenda, spewing false doctrines and betraying the lay faithful, or what is left of the lay faithful in the novus ordo "church."

These miscreants are out in the open in opposition to Church teaching of the last 2,000 years, parroting the scandalous pond-scum emanating from Rome, the infernal city... 

Many of the "bishops" are homosexuals, or, are at least sympathetic to the sodomite agenda, this, in addition to the Marxism that permeates their ranks.  This is not by happenstance, but in conjunction with the bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, to establish a one-world religion of mother earth worshipers, not to mention the diabolical plans -- already in motion -- to depopulate the earth to less than 1,000,000,000 humans!  

Bergoglio continues to scandalize the Catholic world by appointing culture-of-death anti-Christs to his "advisory boards," while, at the same time throwing a few Catholic, pro-life crumbs to those who still listen to his jet-plane-ramblings. 

How can anyone in his right mind trust such a hypocrite?

That is why the "bishops" are emboldened; they have an ally in the Vatican...

Stay tuned for further developments...

Pray for a quick death of the novus ordo, and pray too, for strength and honor and that the Traditional Latin Mass will be with us until our Lord returns!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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