Thursday, October 28, 2021

Is The Bishop Of Rome, Bergoglio, Pro-Life?

 A few "Catholic" crumbs from Bergoglio that mean absolutely nothing...  See my previous article here: The Real Agenda Of Pope Francis, And Recognizing Its Evil Fruits...

The continuing sell-out of those who believe that life begins at conception and ends with natural death -- Church teaching! -- according to the dictates of our Creator, Jesus Christ, not those of evil men, is once again, made manifest by the actions of the supposed pope Bergoglio.

(Just as the 2020 election was stolen from President Trump, the election for pope Bergoglio was a stacked deck; signed, sealed and delivered by the "St. Gallen Mafia".)

If you need more evidence of this diabolical sell-out by Bergoglio, then please read this article from Pope Francis appoints population control activist Jeffrey Sachs to Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences - LifeSite (

This is nothing new for this pope... His track record is despicable when it comes to supporting the right to life of the pre-born.  Sure, the "crumbs" -- his words -- he throws to the Catholic world are directly contradicted by his actions.  I urge you read to the article from, and see that the pro-death Sachs has been roaming around the Vatican for many years of the current pontificate, spewing his evil aims to reduce the population through any means available; contraception, abortion, euthanasia, as well as the filthy, deadly "vaccines," now, aimed at our children!  Sticking the arms of adults wasn't enough, I guess...

The attack on innocent life by Sachs and his minions -- and there are many! -- is a crime against humanity; justice demands that this must be stopped!

I have only one thing to say: Christ told us that we have to pray for our enemies... Sometimes, this is very difficult to do, but we must do it!  So, pray for the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, that the Holy Ghost will convert this weak-willed, fallen man to orthodoxy, Tradition and the Catholic Faith.  Personally, I don't want him to spend eternity in hell, just the opposite, I can assure you...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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