Saturday, October 9, 2021

A Soulless "Thing"...

 With all the madness going on in society and in what passes for the rudderless, "Catholic Church" these days, could things get any weirder?  

Yes they can; and they have...

In addition to the medical and political tyrants, documented, disgusting experiments -- which, by the way, have been ongoing for many years! -- on or with animal/human "creations" by a new class of "doctors" and "scientists," have now come out in the open.


The original movie "Frankenstein" first hit the public airwaves in 1931, scaring the dickens out of the common folk brave enough to watch it in darkened theaters across the fruited plain...  It was, of course, all Hollywood, made-up fiction, right?  

The answer is, yes; it was all made-up as was "Dr. Frankenstein," the "creator"...

But today, we have new "Frankensteins" attempting to "create" real zombies, injecting human DNA into animals!  Their un-natural, diabolical experiments are coming to fruition... Do a little digging, and see for yourselves...

Just as Fauci is guilty of "gain of function" research in creating a virus and spreading it across the globe, so are these cold-hearted, dead souls creating soulless, animal/human things, but for what purpose?

Could it be that history is repeating itself here?  

Remember, it was the demon Hitler that wanted to create a "master race," supposedly free of human defects.  In attempting to achieve such a bizarre goal, under his direction, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people lost their livelihoods -- and lives, in the most gruesome of ways ever conceived... And that included injecting living human beings with experimental drugs, as well as harvesting organs from those about to die.  In other words, those still living!

Does all this sound familiar?  It should, as that is exactly what is happening today, with the forced injecting of experimental drugs for the purpose of, supposedly, countering a hoax "pandemic". Add to this violation of our God-given, Constitutional rights under the Natural, and international law (the Nuremberg Code), undercover videos have exposed the demonic harvesting -- and sale to the highest bidder -- parts of human-baby bodies destroyed through the heinous "procedure" known as abortion.

These heartless "doctors" and "nurses" are the new Frankensteins of today... If they are willing to tear apart pre-born -- and now born babies and sell them -- why not go the next step and "create" a new form of human/animal?

The possibility of such a scenario is almost too unbelievable to contemplate, but it is happening right before our eyes!

What to do?

We do as Christ our Lord has commanded us to do: pray for these lost souls.  This is true charity; true love of neighbor.  We don't have to like our neighbor, but we do have to love our neighbor -- and our enemies...

We can also pray that through divine intervention, there will be an immediate change of heart, perhaps through some physical upheaval that will scare the population half to death and bring those lost sheep back to the fold...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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