Wednesday, October 13, 2021

A Sick Cult Of Insane Scientists And "Doctors"...

  First do no harm... That phrase used to be in the Hippocratic oath.  To be honest, I don't know if it's still in the oath, but because of the actions of the medical tyrants that perpetuate the hospitals as well as in government agencies, I seriously doubt it...

Shocking and insane, that the Prince of the Nether World, "Dr. Fauci," is granting permission for kiddies to go Trick or Treating this Halloween!  

Did you get that?

Let me repeat that sentence...

The Prince of the Nether World, "Dr. Fauci," is granting permission for kiddies to go Trick or Treating this Halloween!  

Granting permission???

Who is this emboldened, authoritarian clown?

(Emboldened, by the way, by the likes of Biden and the "attorney general," Garland, who calls parents who protest the filth being taught in schools, terrorists!)  

Guess who are the real terrorists in this scenario???

And now, Fauci is calling for babies of six months and over, to get a flu shot!

Did you get that mothers and fathers???

Will you submit your children to these insane scientists and "doctors"??

Will you have the guts and gumption to tell these nuts to keep their filthy, death-dealing hands off your children???

Let me ask this question: do you walk around with a face-diaper on???  If you do, then I have a very strong feeling that you will get your tiny child that ineffective, very problematic flu shot...  Am I right???

If you do walk around with a face-diaper, why???

Have you lost your ability to think critically and analyze -- for yourself -- instead of taking the word of those who are diametrically opposed to all that is good and holy???

In other words, are you completely and totally brainwashed into thinking that if you don't do what you are directed to do, then, somehow, you are less American by not obeying the tyrants destroying our God-given, Natural rights???

Let me reassure anyone reading this missive: you are more American if you stick to your guns, and resist the attempt to control every aspect of your lives -- and the lives of your children -- by those earth-loving, de-population control freaks, who will stop at nothing to implement their Marxist "utopia" upon you and me...

The choice is very clear: obey God rather than man, if you have that backwards, then you are part of the problem... 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michal the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

PS: this from Jon Rappoport: "As I’ve been saying for the last 20 years, a Globalist Elite views America as the last outpost of resistance against the installation of one governance-system for the whole planet. Therefore, America must be taken apart and taken down."

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