Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Lunatics Are In Control Of The Asylum: Part III...

  See my previous articles here: The Lunatics Are In Charge Of The Asylum...

And here: The Lunatics Are In Charge Of The Asylum, Redux.

But it doesn't end there...

Now, the Demonrats, and their devilish allies, are aggressively going after the children to hasten in the final solution: to destroy the family unit, and life itself, by the slow -- in some cases, quick -- death or incapacitation of otherwise, formally, healthy children.

This is not an exaggeration, but a real chain of ongoing events that is now in the public domain.  There is no need to hide their filthy, satanic agenda any longer, as these anti-Christs are emboldened by many higher-ups in government as well as in what passes for the "Catholic Church," mainly, from what emanates from the traitors to the faith in the Vatican, under the direct supervision of the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio.

The constant attack on the citizens of the U.S. and other Western nations, with the so-called "vaccines" to combat the phantom flu bug known as covid, is now focusing on the children after seeing and hearing far too many folks rebelling against the mandates from the medical and governmental dictators.  

The devil knows that if he can get the children in his clutches, then he wins the spiritual warfare that is now in full swing... 

Evidence is piling up that Demonrat, leftist governors and their cronies in their respective health departments, have targeted young school children to make sure they are given the jab, regardless of whether or not the parents are told!  Then, there are those parents that after finding out about the evil tactics being employed, they are at least putting up a fight to save the innocence as well as the health of their offspring.  But will they succeed?   

One way they might have a chance, is to pull their kids out of the public indoctrination centers known as the public school system.  If these little innocent minds are contaminated by rogue "teachers" and school administrators to destroy their minds and hearts, especially when it comes to believing in God almighty and creating a false history of our beloved country, they will become totally brainwashed by the time they graduate from high school -- and now elementary school!

We patriots are always being accused of racism, but in reality, those hurling those ridiculous epithets are the real racists, as they go about their deadly business of supporting the killers of the pre-born, such as "planned parenthood" through contributions and lobbying for pro-death legislation...

And who suffers the most from the torture and death of our little brothers and sisters in the womb?  Black Americans, that's who...

As I have reported previously, the black population of America is about 13-14 percent, but the percentage of black abortions is near 34 percent.  This does not take into consideration of two of the most populace states in the Union: California and New York, as these two states do not report the numbers of abortions to the CDC!  If those two states did report their numbers to the CDC, then, I suspect, the percentage of black abortions would be closer to 40-45 percent!   

Think about that for a second...

Then, think about the so-called black representatives or the so-called civil rights advocates and see that they are almost 100-percent pro-death -- that is, in favor of aborting their own racePure lunacy!

What is the solution to this mayhem?

If we look to one person or political party to fend-off the demonic, then we will fail miserably... If you look to our Lord, then we will win in the long run; the devil knows this and he also knows that his head will be crushed by the heel of Christ's Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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