Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Lunatics Are In Charge Of The Asylum...

Have you ever heard that before?  The Lunatics Are In Charge Of The Asylum?

Maybe you haven't, but now you can actually see it for yourself every day of the week, and twice on Sunday.

Just who and what are these lunatics that I write about?

They are our elected representatives -- or unelected, appointed judges -- and deep-state operatives that have burrowed deep into various government agencies over the decades, under numerous presidents, with political ideologies that are diametrically opposed to principles of our Founders.

I contend they are also traitors to our country.

Sure, they -- as well as you and I -- have the right to criticize our government, and point out when they work in the opposite direction of where our country is supposed to be going.  We also have the right to the redress of our grievances, both are encapsulated in the First Amendment, along with the right to peaceably assemble, as well as the right to practice our religion without hindrance from the government...

I think we can all agree on that definition.

But what is happening is something much more devious; much more sinister, to bring our nation to its knees and practically destroy our economy; for?

Here is an answer that may fit the bill: to totally transform our freedom-loving country into another Socialist or Communist utopia, where the government is the god, and we are the slaves to their every whim.  There is also another possible answer, and that is to take down President Trump, and turn his supporters -- that includes me -- against him because of the stalled and near devastation of the economy.  That is not going to happen, in fact the tactics being used by the Left, is already beginning to backfire, and will reach its climax in November...

I'm afraid, too, that some of the advice the president is getting from some deep-state medical advisers is far from accurate, and has been used to cause fear and panic among the general population.

It is working very well, thank you...

Unfortunately, Joe Sixpack has become so brainwashed as well as downright spoiled, that he can no longer think, or fend for himself, in addition to believing everything that he hears on the "6 o'clock news", or reads in the New York Times.

As an aside, two recent stories in the Times is blaming Christians for the onslaught of the Covid-19 virus!  I'm not kidding!  Remember that sadistic nutcase Nero blaming Christians for the massive fire that swept Rome and destroyed almost half of the seat of Roman power?  Nero decided that all Christians who did not immediately bow down and worship him, would be either thrown to the wild beasts in the Coliseum, or used as human torches to light the streets of Rome at night...

It was very apparent; that lunatic was in charge of the asylum.  But the more things change, the more they seem to stay the same...

Today's Nero types wear three-piece suits or skirts, but are just as deadly, as they foster the killing of the pre-born, as well as hate anyone that fears the Lord.  This can be seen in what has become a reign of terror from government officials and a weakened Catholic hierarchy succumbing to the tyrannical edicts of civil authorities, forcing the shutting down our churches, and preventing us from receiving the Bread of Life in the Holy Eucharist, in addition to suspending our rights under the Second Amendment to buy, keep, and bear arms.

Yes, the lunatics -- for the time being -- are currently in charge of the asylum, but the enemy's position is no longer covert; no longer hidden.  That aspect will, at least, allow us to cement our battle plans to take back our beloved country, but at what price remains to be seen...

Will our country ever recover from this massive attempt to destroy the United States?  Only time and prayer will tell...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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