Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Underground -- True -- Catholic Church In China Is Being Savagely Persecuted. Can It Happen Here?

Yes.  It has already started, and it will get much worse...

Why and how is this happening in China, and why and how is this happening in the U.S.?

First, it is important to understand that Communists around the world have become emboldened by the pontificate of Bergoglio.  Second, back in 2018, Bergoglio made an agreement with the Chinese patriotic church, which re-instated several "bishops" that were approved by the Red Chinese, but not by the pope; that has now changed, and those so-called bishops are now in full communion with Rome.

Think about this: the Communist Chinese government nominated and appointed their own men to the bishopric!  That one statement ought to send chills down your spine!

This sell-out by Bergoglio has produced a deadly, poisonous fruit for the true Catholic church and the lay faithful that have seen their churches desecrated and, in some cases, totally destroyed.

Most have now gone back to the catacombs, as did the early Catholics of the first and second centuries, in order to assist at Mass and offer sacrifice to Our Lord.  But have you heard anything about this tragic development in the mainstream media?  Nope.  There is a good reason for this: one, they are sympathetic with all Communist regimes in the world; always have been, and always will be.  Second, they are obviously anti-Christ; always have been, and always will be, and relish with glee at the prospect of a God-free world.

If anyone doubts what I have written here, read what Cardinal Zen has said about the agreement of the pope, and the on-going persecution of the faithful, underground, Catholic Church.

I started my article with this: Can it happen here?  Yes.  It has already started, and it will get much worse...

But wait!  This is NOT Communist China, and we don't have Communists running our government, right?

But what we do have are weak-kneed bishops that have capitulated to the secular fear-mongering over a flu bug, and have locked the doors of our churches.  In essence, the anti-God miscreants have succeeded in barring access to the one-true Mass, without even firing a shot!  These bishops have given up their authority to the state, and instead of protecting the flock entrusted to them, they have deserted us to the wolves in sheep's clothing.  We are now at the mercy of those very same wolves...  And know that those enemies of Christ give no quarter, just as the revolutionaries slaughtered every single man, woman and child, as the streets ran-red in Vendee France.

Will actual martyrdom of faithful Catholics eventually happen here, in the U.S. of A.?   I hope not, but I contend that such is a real possibility.  I promise that I will not go down without a fight!  Mark my words!  

I want the doors of my church opened, and opened without delay!  I demand such!  

Pray earnestly for our country, and for strength for President Trump to stand up to the globalists, one-world-order God-haters.

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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