Tuesday, March 3, 2020

What If?

What if President Trump is defeated in November, and the likes of Sanders or Biden takes over the White House for four, long, arduous, anti-life, culture of death years?

What if these Socialist/Communist "Americans" declare our rights to freedom of speech, and the freedom to practice the true religion; will it be consigned to the dustbin of history?

What would you and I do?

What if homosexuality and pedophilia become the norm under the reign of such miscreants?

What if your healthcare comes under complete government control, and you MUST buy a government health insurance policy?

What if the flood gates at the southern border are swung wide open, completely destroying what is left of our national sovereignty, with Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, and a good part of Texas invaded by illegal aliens?

What would compatriots do to protect their rights, and survive as American states?

And finally, what would you and I do if the elites in control of a Sanders or Biden administration demanded that you and I give up our right to bear arms, and initiate a program to confiscate our weapons?

Do you think that we will be tossed to the wolves and be alone in our fight to maintain our American way of life?

There is one element, one entity that the media -- and even most of the "conservative" talking heads -- are not mentioning.  It is the role that I'm sure they will play in defending our country from a Socialist or Communist takeover: Veterans, and active military forces!



Read the Declaration of Independence.

And by the way, I know the correct wording to the Declaration, especially this section: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..."

Apparently, the incoherent Mr. Biden recently referred to the Declaration, but forgot(?) the word Creator, and substituted the words The THING in its place!   Think about that...

Pray for our country, and for a complete defeat of these dangerous jokers...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us..

Gene DeLalla

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