Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Radical, Pro-Abortion "Catholic," Biden, Takes Super Tuesday...

Joseph (Joe) Biden, the former Vice President under the corrupt, cowardly and treasonous Obama administration, scored a major victory in the super-Tuesday Demonrat primary, March 3rd, 2020...

What does all this mean?

Well, for the Demonrat hypocrites, it means that they must sacrifice whatever integrity they have left -- which isn't much -- and throw their support to the radical pro-abortion Catholic Biden, regardless of the fact that he can barely put a coherent sentence together, let alone remember what state he is currently in.

But since all the Demonrats running for the nomination are themselves radical supporters of killing the pre-born all the way up to the moment of birth -- and now after birth, infanticide -- is it any wonder that they too will come to the support of Biden?

Let's remember too, that the so-called Catholic Biden is a filthy child-groper; a sniffer of women's hair, and, in fact, much worse as former female Secret Service agents have reported when they were assigned to provide security for the former V.P.

Just think, Biden continues to receive Holy Communion: the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ right from the hands of the modernist bishop or priest, afraid to live up to the vows of their ordination.

Why do these clerics continue to cause further scandal and sacrilege by allowing Biden to receive Our Lord?

There can be only one reason: they no longer have any supernatural faith, and do not believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist...  

Welcome to the new-world-order-modernist church that still calls itself Catholic.  But thank goodness such a façade continues to implode from the multiple scandals of the homosexual cabal and their attack on innocent youth, since the infiltration of the Church several generations ago by the Communists recruited to bring down the Church from within...

So, with the likes of Biden, Pelosi, Kerry, Sen. Leahy (of Vermont) and other prominent, pro-abortion, hypocritical politicians vocally proclaiming what passes for Catholicism in their demented minds, is it any wonder why the end is near for the post-Vatican Two Catholic church?

These miscreants are not doing the work of God, but the devil: the father of lies, Satan.

They have no compunction to drag our country down to hell with them, because they no longer believe in their Creator, that is, if they ever did.  They have sold their immortal souls for power and position in this life, regardless of the price that must be paid in the next...

There is hope, and that hope comes from Christ's promise that the gates of hell itself, will never prevail against His true Church, remains anchored in the Rock of St. Peter and his successors.

If there was one, single reason to re-elect President Trump, it would surely be the sanctity of life, especially giving pre-born babies the chance to breathe air, and to know, love, and serve God in this life, and be happy with Him in the next...

We have only one chance to make the right choice...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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