Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Don't You Dare Disobey The Bishop!!!

That's right, you just might get excommunicated.  It has happened before...

Well, it has finally happened...

The bishop of Kansas City has officially succumbed to the real hysteria brought to you by the mainstream media, and has closed the doors of all the Catholic churches in his diocese.


I called the canon (priest) of the church where we attend Mass; he was, of course, very disappointed with the newest developments, but suggested that I call the diocese to voice my displeasure.

I did...

I had to leave a message with the chancellor/vicar as we were about to go out and enjoy what freedom of movement we have left, that is, until the federal Gestapo creeps come knocking on our door telling us to stay cooped-up for the duration.   Or, until we are forced-vaccinated, which I will not allow!

When we got home, there was a message from the diocese... The priest said that he sympathizes with me and all the faithful, and said to pray... Of course, I (we) always do... But, the bottom line: he said the topic is not up for discussion.

There you have it: not up for discussion!

Let me just say one thing: the faith comes first, not obedience -- to anyone!

When I, and my family, are denied the Mass and the reception of the Holy Eucharist -- the Body and Blood of Christ -- I get pretty angry, as I am right this minute.

The CDC, today, just released the latest data about the flu for the week ending February 29th.  Here are the results: the death toll from the seasonal flu has reached 22,000, including 144 children!

The death toll from the so-called coronavirus: 100 -- nationwide.

My question to the bishops across this country: how come you didn't panic and shut the doors of all the churches for the pandemic of the flu?   It is estimated (by the CDC) that 20,000 to 50,000 die of the flu each and every year!

Why the panic and hysteria over the coronavirus?

You know what I say: the bishops have lost their manhood, and, perhaps, their supernatural faith in Christ and the church He founded, that is, if they ever had it to begin with.

Lock the doors of my church?  How dare you!   You have given in to the anti-Christ globalists who are laughing all the way to their hell-holes, along with their father, Satan...

You bishops have deserted your flocks, just as the hireling, as recorded in the parables, deserted the sheep at the first sign of the wolf, and left them to be devoured at will...

Obedience?  No.  The faith comes first and always will...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us.

Gene DeLalla 

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