Thursday, March 12, 2020

Are We Giving Up Our American Birthright Because Of The Coronavirus?

Is our Constitution on its deathbed, or is it already dead?

Churchill said: the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself!

Remember, too, what Ben Franklin said: those who would give up their liberty for security, deserve neither!

Are we becoming numb to the loss of our freedoms for the cause of that "treasured" security?

Is the U.S. population cowering in fear because of the so-called coronavirus?

Are Americans so dumbed-down that we now want security, and to hell with whatever freedoms we have left guaranteed in the words of a compromised Constitution?

It seems so...

Where is the fear of the common, everyday flu, where 20- to 50-thousand, or more, die each and every year?

Where is the fear of heart disease?

We still get behind the wheel of our vehicles almost every day to work, shop, go to church, even though 40,000 or more, die in car accidents each and every year.  So, where is the fear of driving?

Taking a jet plane across the country is safer...

In addition, there are approximately 98,000 to over 400,000 people that die each year in America due to medical mistakes!  Where is the panic and outrage?  Does the country shut down because of this horrible disaster?  No.  Do people stay out of the hospital when in need of care?  No.

Just who is dying from this latest man-made, mutant virus?

The weak and elderly.  You know, once described by Hitler's henchmen as useless eaters...

Today's version: euthanasia.

When there is an outbreak of the common flu in a community, does the entire community self-isolate itself?

Are all sporting events cancelled when one player contracts the flu?

Are we losing our manhood and womanhood?

Will we allow the authorities to demand that we must be vaccinated against whatever they say is the threat to our health and wellbeing?

If we do, then will the next step be martial law, or at least allow troops to patrol our streets in Main Street, U.S.A., enforcing a curfew, further restricting our freedom of movement because of a type of flu that will eventually run its course.

From October 1, 2019, to February 22, 2020, according to the CDC, there were between 18,000-46,000 deaths from the flu.  Where is the fear and outrage?   Are we being confined to our homes because of the flu?  No.  But we just might be confined because of another strain of the flu: the coronavirus...

If this happens on a national scale, then you and I can kiss our freedoms goodbye...

This will play right into the hands of the globalist, population control freaks, hell-bent on destroying, not only our families, but also the economic prosperity of America, bringing it to its knees, in essence, becoming just another third-world, Socialist or Communist hell-hole, playing right into the hands of the enemies of Christ, Our Lord...

There is no other answer to our fears and ills, but He who sacrificed so much for our spiritual and moral freedoms, not the government.

Pray for our country, now more than ever...

Viva Cristo Rey!!!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us..

Gene DeLalla

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