Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Coronavirus Has Succeeded In Closing The Doors Of Catholic Churches...

The coronavirus has succeeded where the enemies of Christ have failed: shuttering the doors of Catholic churches.

This remarkable turn of events, has been exacerbated by weak and slothful bishops -- shepherds who have run away from their flocks at the first sign of the approaching, ravenous wolf -- giving Catholics permission not to attend the holy sacrifice of the Mass, and receive the Bread of Life in the Holy Eucharist.

I am stunned that this has come about, not only in the birthplace of my parents, Italy, but even more unbelievably, here, in the country of my birth, the U.S. of A.

There is one consolation, however, and that is, most of the churches that have pad-locked their doors, are the new-world-order, novus ordor that was created by that Satanic-inspired, Second Vatican Council.

The demons let loose by the end of that Council, in 1965, had already left their mark on the perennial teachings and practices of Holy Mother Church.  It is much worse today, with the near total destruction of the basis, as well as the succor of the faith -- the liturgy (of the Mass).

(During the so-called "Black Death," also known as the Pestilence or Great Plague, that devastated Europe during the years, 1347 to 1351, were the doors of Catholic churches locked down as they are now?)

How many people have died from the common flu since October, 2019, through February, 2020?  The CDC estimates that 18,000 to as many as 46,000, just in that five month period.

Did the bishops close the doors of their churches to the faithful?

I haven't heard of any such closings...

How many people have died from the coronavirus so far in the U.S.?

The answer: 50-75... That is out of a population of over 340,000,000 (Million)...

And the doors of Catholic churches are locked; pad-locked; no sacraments; no Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and maybe no hope...

Archbishop Vigano said this: The scenario is all the more disconcerting as what is at stake is not only public health but the salvation of souls — and for some time now we, as Pastors, have stopped inflaming the hearts of our faithful with the desire for eternal salvation. We have thus deprived them of those supernatural gifts which make us capable of facing trials here below, even the assaults of death, with the power of faith and that spark of inexhaustible and unshakable hope which comes to us from our yearning for the destiny of glory for which we were created.

This massive conspiracy of the globalists and elitists is working far more than anyone could have dreamt, for now, that is...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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