Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Is President Trump Caving In To The Fear-Mongering Deep State Moles?

I am getting just a little bit worried about what I see and hear coming from President Trump when he is at the podium with the CDC folks explaining what is coming next regarding the overblown coronavirus.

I can understand being flexible in a time of concern for those Mr. Trump represents -- us, the American electorate, but it can get to the point of bending over so far that he just might break under the constant -- and faulty fear-mongering of the deep state moles that still occupy far too many agencies in his administration.

If anyone thinks that I, or anyone else for that matter, will be limited to groups of ten or less, of the people I love, and go to church with, that entity is sadly mistaken.

We are already seeing weak-kneed Catholic bishops closing church doors to those who need and hunger for the Bread of Life, and the succor of Confession, being turned away from the house of Christ because of a flu bug?

Do these bishops still possess supernatural faith, or have they succumbed to the spirit of the age and abandoned their flocks to the ravenous wolves seeking those who they can devour?  Don't they realize that anyone who receives the Holy Eucharist -- on the tongue, while kneeling -- will never get sick from the body and blood, soul and divinity of our Lord?   Just the opposite will absolutely happen!  He will heal their spiritual sickness by entering the Temples of the Holy Ghost -- our bodies!

Whether in the civilian or ecclesiastical realm, the agenda of the elites and the globalists, is succeeding without firing a shot, so to speak: restricting access to what is good and holy; to make slaves of us, and destroy what is left of our rights that come from God, and guaranteed by the Bill of Rights in the Constitution.

Notice recently, how some arrogant, anti-Second Amendment (Demonrat) mayors, and others in authority, are using the coronavirus to restrict or halt the sale of weapons and ammunition to law-abiding citizens -- for what purpose?  I ask that rhetorically, of course...

And Mr. Trump says nothing?

What is going on here?

The restricting of our ability to worship God, and the right to peaceably assemble are all part of the First Amendment, slowly, but surely being eroded, as is the Constitution itself, being torn apart and  used as that much-sort-after commodity these days; toilet paper...

As I see it, everything is up for grabs in the next few months; will it be freedom, or will we wake one day and find ourselves enslaved by a tyrannical, multi-tentacled, behemoth centralized government that has forgotten its American roots?   Which will it be?

More than ever, pray for our country, and pray too, that Mr. Trump stands up for those whom he represents: We, the American people...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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