Friday, March 27, 2020

The Bureaucratic Boys That Cried Wolf -- Again And Again And Again...

Why do you think that nearly the entire country is shut down?  Why is it that, now, tens of millions of Americans are out of work?

Why all the fear-mongering about the newest flu bug, the coronavirus?   While many other flu bugs were worse, much worse.

The answer is right in front of our eyes, that is, if we only OPEN our eyes, and see the spade that is staring us right in the face.  It is time to call that spade for what it is: a massive conspiracy to take absolute control of our lives, and make us completely dependent on Big Brother government for our food, housing, money and whatever else is left of our freedoms, which, by the way, isn't much as of this writing...

Is this an exaggeration?

Not in the least...

Can you go to church as you usually do?  No.  Can you go shopping and find items that are necessary in order to live a normal life?  No.  Can you gather, peaceably, with your family and friends if you want to have a cook-out with more than ten in attendance?  No.  Can you travel at will as you once were able to do without have a "good reason" for doing so?  No.

Remember the movie: Red Dawn?

If you are not familiar with that movie, it might be a good idea to see it as soon as possible.

I'm afraid that we are in the middle of another "Red Dawn" right now, but this time the enemies that have invaded us, are from within, not from without, for the most part, that is.

The enemies of our freedoms have succeeded in strangling our country, and brought her to her knees without even firing one, single shot from that much-maligned "assault rifle."

So, just who are the enemies of our country?  The bureaucrats.  You know, those self-perpetuating entities that help to make our lives miserable, and, in the long run, to rule almost every aspect of our lives, just as the Communists Chinese rule their own citizens with a brute force up to and including death.

Many of those bureaucrats embrace the political ideologies of the hard Left: Marxism, Socialism, and outright Communism.

Why is President Trump succumbing to the medical bureaucrats that surround him in those much-viewed virus updates, basically ordering him how to govern our country?

Many of those bureaucratic monsters have burrowed themselves deeply into the various governmental agencies for decades, wielding incredible power to force their un-American activities on a nation that has been transformed into a flock of sheeple, sad to say.

As far as providing some much-in-demand ventilators and facemasks to hospitals and the general public, there are companies out there that have proven they can manufacture and distribute those items at breakneck speed, and at a much lower cost than the "big-boys." And yet, the FDA, the CDC, along with the NIH have not only nixed that idea, but also have, in effect, threatened those companies to shut up, or face the music!

Think some are using the current crises to gain even more power as well as seeing their bank accounts getting a little fatter; to hell with justice and morality?  I think so...

I don't see this episode ending anytime soon.  So, what are we supposed to do?  Rollover and let these miscreants have their way with us, or do we stand up and fight for justice and morality?

There is no choice here.

Let's start with acknowledging the One Who came to Earth to save us from ourselves, and to re-open the gates of Heaven after the fall from the Garden.  But we should also recognize that we get what we deserve, and boy do we deserve this current chastisement, mainly because of our continued killing of the gift of life through the horrendous act of abortion, and now, infanticide!

God have mercy on our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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