Wednesday, March 25, 2020

When REAL Catholic Priests Had GUTS!!

In this contrived, fear-mongering pandemic of the flu when Catholic bishops have forbidden the priests in their diocese from offering Mass to the faithful, locking the doors to the house of God, under the pretense of obeying the civil authorities, I present real men, being real priests!

I say pretense, because most bishops don't have the will to live up to their calling as successors to the Apostles; they seem to forget that there is the so-called separation of church and state, but protest that phony "separation" only when convenient, which is just about never.

How hypocritical can one be?

I am posting photos of Catholic priests that held Mass right smack in the middle of war, with God-loving soldiers kneeling in mud or worse, knowing that the reception of the Bread of Life, in the Holy Eucharist, just might be their last on this earth...

The following photos speak for themselves...

Image result for Photographs of Catholic priests saying Mass During Wartime...

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Image result for Photographs of Catholic priests Holding Mass IN Wartime

Image result for Photographs of Catholic priests Holding Mass IN Wartime

Image result for Photographs of Catholic priests Holding Mass IN Wartime

Image result for Photographs of Catholic priests Holding Mass IN Wartime

Image result for Photographs of Catholic priests Holding Mass IN Wartime

Not only did Catholic priests celebrate Mass during war, but many of those brave priests died administering the last sacrament -- Extreme Unction -- to dying soldiers and Marines right smack in the middle of a firefight on the battlefield.

Their bishops knew that there was a real chance of their priests dying in war.  Are we not in a spiritual war right now?

Where is the resolve of our bishops to fight the real enemy that we face today: secular humanism popularized by a sex-crazed society killing babies out of convenience?  But no, instead they cave at the first sign of a possible conflict with the tyrannical powers that demand their edicts be followed to the letter.

In these times, it is crucial now more than ever, to open wide our churches, and pray to God for succor and guidance, not to mention the absolute necessity to offer to God the Father the perfect sacrifice of the Lamb, for our many and continuing grievous sins...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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