Friday, March 20, 2020

Pandemic Of Covid-19: Does It Mean The End Of The World? Not Quite...

Pandemic of Covid-19 (the coronavirus)?  Is it really a pandemic?  Will it mean the end of the world as we know it?

When will the end of our world come?  This is a question that has befuddled philosophers through the ages.  But guess what?  I have the answer!

No, I'm not a Nostradamus-type, but what I do know, is that when a person dies, that is the end of his/her world.

But it just might be the end of our economic world as we know it...

Look at what has happened in the stock market, along with the shut-down of numerous businesses across the fruited plain, with far too many folks losing their jobs.  But don't worry, Big Brother government will come to the rescue, at least that's what we're told.

Don't hold your breath.

Just what is killing our way of life?  Is it a virulent strain of the flu bug, combined with a massive, organized attempt to bring America to its knees through panic and fear-mongering?

It seems so...

Let's take a look at where and when the Covid-19 version of the coronavirus first made its appearance...

To do that, we must go back to that bastion of liberty and prosperity: Communist China.

Has anyone ever seen the Chinese people walking on the streets of their cities?  Just about all are wearing some type of facemask.  This is not the exception, but the rule.

China has some of the most polluted cities in the entire world.  And by the way, both China, and even India, were to be exempted from reducing the so-called greenhouse gases at the Paris Accords, but not America.   Why?  Because the globalists wanted to penalize America's prosperity, and impose a false equalitarianism, after all, we can't be any better than anyone else, right?

That the coronavirus originated in China is not disputable.  But that's not the only virus that came across the pond (the Pacific Ocean) from China.  No, there are others, SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) for one.

So why would anyone be surprised that numerous and deadly viruses would come out of filthy, Communist controlled China?

Communists don't give a hoot about their own people.  Why would they?   They are worse murderers than Stalin was, in the former Soviet Union... So, why would they care about a healthy work environment, or enforce strict sanitary requirements for restaurants where the consumption of food and beverages takes place, as well as other businesses where there is close customer contact?

It is the goal of the Communists world-wide to take down one of the last freedom-loving countries in the world: the United States of America.

So, whether it is a new strain of the flu bug, combined with a wasting of our economy, it appears to be working.

All this, without firing a shot: no massive military invasion; no taking out our bombers and missiles with nuclear weapons.  None of that.  But the weapons of panic and fear bolstered by the mainstream media, as well as the deep state moles, are the new tools of the hard Left and the Communist oligarchs to take over our country.

These miscreants want to see our rights under the Constitution consigned to the dustbin of history, and so far, it is our own elected representatives that are doing their dirty work for them.  It is time to re-read the Declaration of Independence, and take action!

Pray for President Trump that he doesn't fall prey to the exaggerations and lies of the medical tyrants just aching to vaccinate every single American, whether we like it or not, or confine ourselves to our homes, destroying our freedom of movement.

Pray too, for the Catholic bishops that they get some backbone and defy the civil authorities and re-open our churches so we can offer worship and sacrifice to the good God that we have offended through our spiritual and moral sloth.

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us.

Gene DeLalla 


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