Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Our Country Is Being Torn Apart By The Radical Democrats...

If there ever was any doubt about the radical agenda of the Demonrat party, just listen to the incoherent Joseph (Joe) Biden and his plan -- right out of his own mouth -- to confiscate all our so-called "assault weapons."

Someone please inform me: just what is an assault weapon?   I welcome any and all descriptions as to just what weapon I -- and you -- can "legally" have if such a miscreant as Biden occupies the White House for four years.  Though I doubt this can happen, his radical rhetoric is scary enough because he is not shy about violating our Second Amendment right to bear arms.

Biden, who is determined -- if he wins -- to officially fund abortions with government money, i.e., our taxpayer money, all the way up to birth.  But how can this be, since he has proclaimed his Catholic faith on numerous occasions, and receives the Holy Eucharist creating more scandal and additional mortal sin added to his already-sacrilege-filled soul?

Another culprit in this massive attack on our traditions, is that paragon of integrity, Nancy Pelosi, another self-proclaimed "devout Catholic," who also supports abortion with few if any restrictions.

One of the major reasons for these "Catholics" to continue to work for the father of lies, Satan, is the weakness of their priests and bishops, that long ago should have ex-communicated these politicians, publicly, for their obstinate support for the killing of the pre-born.

There are others, but the core of this cabal also includes the former president, Barack Hussein Obama, and the many former members of his cabinet, that still, to this day, are moles in several Justice Department agencies, including the FBI and the BLM (Bureau of Land Management).  But it doesn't stop there...  Those moles are prevalent in the powerful State Department as well.

Let's call it what it is: the Deep State...

The tactics of these anti-Americans include very successful swat-type raids and intimidation of innocent family members, all in an attempt to stifle support for President Trump.  There is a long list of such affected folks, such as Gen. Flynn; General Flynn's son; Mr. Roger Stone; Paul Manafort; and Mr. Trump himself, as the three-year-long witch-hunt involving the non-existent "Russian collusion" is evident for all to see...

If these events were not sufficient to indict these lunatics, just take a quick look at the vocal malice and violence from the hard Left, directed to anyone that is pro-life, pro-family, pro-Second Amendment, and so on.  This is on record for anyone to see and hear.  If Mr. Trump is re-elected, as I think he will be -- there is a good possibility that there will be actual violence on a massive scale from the Socialists and Communists and their useful idiot sympathizers, with many, I'm sure, carrying and using those "assault rifles" the Left is so ready to demonize.

Does anyone think that the likes of Antifa will gladly turn in those "assault weapons" for the sake of reducing gun violence?   I think not.

The entire agenda is to tear apart of America as we know it, and make our hard-fought-for rights a distant memory, consigned to the dustbin of history.

If we don't confront these radicals, and defend ourselves and our families, to the point of the ultimate sacrifice, then we will get what we deserve.  God help us, because it will be the end of the Republic!

Pray for a complete defeat of the likes of Biden, and for the re-election of Mr. Trump for another four years...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us..

Gene DeLalla

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