Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Troops Coming Home From Afghanistan?

It is a good thing -- and way overdue -- that our troops are coming home from Afghanistan, but what about Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and so many other nations where our military personnel are stationed, and, in many cases, doing covert operations against -- who, and for what reason??

Unfortunately, the massive damage that our invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq caused,  is something that those countries will not ever fully recover from.  I'm not only talking about rebuilding the infrastructure, but more importantly, the resettlement of those families that were separated, or worse, and making repatriating them back to their homeland, potentially impossible...

It is important to know -- and accept the absolute fact -- that our involvement in Iraq -- and even Afghanistan -- caused the near total dissolvement and breakup of the Christian population.  Christians for the most part, were able to live in peace under Sodom Hussein, the leader of Iraq at the time of our invasion.  Even in Syria, the Assad regime were actually protectors of the Catholic/Christian population, not their persecutors as the liberal press -- and even our federal government officials have been pounding into our collective heads, from the time of our invasion, to the present day!

It should also be recognized that the premise for the invasion of Iraq; the so-called "weapons of mass destruction" were used, or were going to be used, turned out to be completely false, yet that was the reason for starting the war against Hussein.

Remember Gen. Colin Powell testifying before Congress about those make-believe weapons of mass destruction?  I do.  Or how about that young brainwashed girl testifying and crying when describing the fairly tale of babies being ripped out of their incubators by those nasty Iraqi soldiers?  I do. 

I'm sure the military industrial complex was drooling over the prospect of fulfilling orders for armaments to execute the new war, as well as increasing dividends to the stockholders of the various defense contractors.  The idea here, is to show the lack of conscience, or at least the lack of questioning the premise for our wars, and that goes way back in our nation's history.  Were our engagements -- or wars -- just or unjust??  The just war theory is another important topic for another article...

What we have here, is the shadow government, or deep-state -- as we have come to know it today -- and their lackeys, that have an insatiable thirst for war, after war, ad infinitum...

Many of our so-called "conservative" talking heads are the real neo-con war mongers, itching for conflagration with just about any regime that they don't like, or need to become "democratic," whatever that would mean to those foreigners...

One of the problems here, is that nearly 100 percent of the time, those calling for military intervention into other sovereign states, never put on the uniform, and fight their precious war themselves, but leave the blood and guts to those in their late teens and early twenties.  That is not my opinion, but one of the facts and horrors of war: the younger generation can be obliterated, or their lives so terribly disrupted, that families are broken with divorce and alienation of children to their parents.

In this country, there is another horror of war: women have now been thrust into the role of a combat soldier, all for the sake of promotion, as well as fulfilling the social experiment of the politically correct liberals -- and "neo-conservatives" alike.

So, not only is the blood of our men shed, but also the blood of mothers or future mothers.  It makes no sense to me, and it shouldn't make any sense to you either.

War is a massive punishment for sin, plain and simple.

We know that God will not be mocked.  He will have His JUSTICE!   If we remember that, perhaps there will be a change of heart, and a conversion of souls, to recognize the Master of Life, and the source of all happiness.   War is the opposite of both, and plays into the hands of the father of lies: Satan.

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us.

Gene DeLalla

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