Monday, March 16, 2020

Republican Politicians Are Beginning To Eat Their Own Over The Coronavirus...

No, it wasn't Winston Churchill that said: the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.  I was wrong, it was President Franklin D. Roosevelt.  But nonetheless, the statement is as true today as it was back in the 1930's depression era.

The coronavirus hysteria is increasing day by day, and that is something to fear!

Not only are the Demonrats getting their way of late, strangling our freedoms, but now some Republicans are also joining the scare-tactic-bandwagon, by imposing draconian restrictions on commerce and movement.

Make no mistake, the fearmongering is getting to the point where brainwashed, John Q. Public and company, are panic-buying and hoarding dry goods and food.

But where was the fearmongering and panic buying during the Obama administration when Ebola and Swine Flu was rampant, and thousands of Americans were infected and died?

Travel bands; freedom of movement; suspension of our right to assemble?  No, not at all...

But now, all our precious rights are on the table, in order to -- what?  "Contain" the coronavirus?  Really?

No.  What we see happening is a destruction of the Bill of Rights: the first Ten Amendments to the Constitution, and the implementation of government control of nearly every aspect of our lives, with the premise of defeating a flu bug?

Are mandatory vaccinations just around the corner?  Could be.

The result of the loss of manhood and true womanhood is coming to the forefront and one of the main reasons why government is able to get away with what is going on, and what may (or will?) be coming down the road in short order.

In all my nearly seventy-three-years on this earth, I have never seen the attacks on the Constitution and our right to freedom of speech, and our right to keep and bear arms, as intense as it is at the present time.

In addition, if we are forced to remain hunkered-down in our homes: that core right, to move or live where we want, according to our means, then one of the globalist agenda's main stratagems will have succeeded.

We simply cannot let that happen!!

Moreover, we cannot look to one man or woman, or one political party to save us from the haters of freedom, or from ourselves, for that matter.

There is only one true Savior of mankind: He died a horrible, painful death for our grievous sins, and opened the gates of Heaven once again.

If we don't recognize Our Lord before men, He will not recognize us before His Father, and that would mean our eternal doom.

Pray for strength, and pray for our country.

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us..

Gene DeLalla

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