Saturday, March 21, 2020

"Non-Essential Businesses" Shut Down, Except -- Abortion Mills...

The demons are alive and well, as proven by the diabolical decision by the anti-Christ governors, shutting down all "non-essential businesses," except abortion mills.

The baby killing must continue at all costs!

So, while most Americans in the land of the free, and the home of the brave, have been sequestered in their own homes, abortion "services" must continue to ensure "health care" for deranged women, wanting to end their pregnancies.

Is this, or is this not the work of the father of lies, Satan?

The demon rejoices at every murder of a pre-born baby, knowing that dismembered tiny human, cannot enter heaven for lack of Baptism... (If anyone wants to discuss just why that is, and where that slaughtered child resides for all eternity, I would be happy to provide the facts. Just leave a comment.)

Among the states where the abortion mills are still operating, are New York and California.

No surprise here...

The governor of California, Gavin Newsom, and Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York are both Catholic!

No surprise there, either!

But that's not all... We have the "devout Catholic," Nancy Pelosi, that has done more to support and encourage -- at all costs -- the killing of the pre-born, along with that paragon of morality, Joseph (Joe) Biden, another claimant to the Catholic faith...

Both, by the way, continue to receive the Holy Eucharist at Mass, committing sacrilege after sacrilege for their un-repentant stance and support for abortion.

How can this be?

The answer is painfully simple: their gutless, wimp, politically correct bishops that refuse to publicly excommunicate these miscreants.  Further, it is a fact, that most bishops in the U.S. are supporters of the Demonrats, and, by extension, supporters of abortion -- and homosexuality!

The coronavirus may be infecting plenty of Americans, and others world-wide, and our economy has, and continues to take a massive (planned) hit, putting millions of Americans out of work, but the business of killing babies will continue as "essential health care."

Remember: God will not be mocked.  There will be JUSTICE for the crimes of the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, especially for the shedding of the blood of the pre-born...

 Pray for the conversion, or for the defeat of these baby killers...

And pray too, for our country..

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us.

Gene DeLalla


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