Monday, March 2, 2020

Mr. Philip Haney Was Assassinated!!

Another whistleblower murdered, not suicide as initial reports indicated.

(See my article that includes: whistleblower of the DHS.)

The following information is gleaned from an article from American Thinker, and posted on

"...Haney had leveled explosive charges against the Obama administration's deliberate efforts to shield U.S.-based Islamic terrorists from discovery.

"As a DHS agent, Haney had hundreds of files of U.S. individuals tied to terrorism and the organizations they were associated with. The Obama administration deleted those files from the federal database and launched a total of nine investigations against Haney for supposedly violating the civil rights of Muslim terrorists. In his book, See Something, Say Nothing, Haney claimed that had the administration allowed his work to go forward, it may have identified the Boston Marathon bombers, the San Bernardino and Orlando terrorists, and possibly more before those attacks occurred.

"No one among us who knew Phil believes that it was possible for him to kill himself. He was a committed Christian, was looking forward to his upcoming marriage and the publication of his new book and possibly a new position in Washington, D.C. None of it adds up. I and countless others sent a blizzard of inquiries to the Amador County Sheriff's Department in the days following his death, both to seek details and lodge our objection to the "self-inflicted" characterization of Phil's cause of death.

"The information Phil compiled was kept and shared with trustworthy individuals, despite Obama administration efforts to wipe the records clean. This has been known for some time, however, so why was Phil targeted now?

"He had been working on a new project. What did this entail, and was it similarly secured? Phil was meticulous in his work and documentation. It is a main reason he survived the Obama administration's repeated efforts to entrap him, using the same kind of techniques they applied to Gen. Mike Flynn and others embroiled in the "Russia Collusion" hoax.

"Philip Haney was the embodiment of logic and resilience. I could only hope to have a fraction of the fortitude he demonstrated if similarly confronted. He was not a quitter. Ever.
"Phil Haney had developed many enemies, both within the Deep State and within the Islamist movement in the United States, with his absolutely fearless expositions of their treachery. Again, I call upon Attorney General Barr to conduct an exhaustive investigation into the circumstances surrounding Phil's death.
"The Center for Security Policy's Frank Gaffney wrote:

"As you may know, we lost this week one of our most brilliant, most dedicated and most devout comrades-in-arms: Philip Haney[.] ...
"It is hard to overstate the magnitude of this loss to the cause of freedom. Phil's service to our country — both as a "plankholder" (founding member) of the Department of Homeland Security and during his subsequent years as a private citizen and watchman on the wall — was characterized by tireless, intrepid and, in certain quarters, unwelcome research and analysis about the Islam's totalitarian code known as Sharia and the supremacists who seek to impose it on all of us. Phil was fond of saying that his academic training as an entomologist, with its required skill sets of categorization and observation, perfectly suited him for a career spent monitoring jihadists and following them to their "nests."'
My Comment...

 The Founding Fathers were emphatic that only a nation that has religion and morality as its guides can survive.  I must sadly report that what we see happening in our nation today is from a lack of both religion and morality.  There is a lack of the realization of the tenets of the Natural Law, as an extension of the divinely revealed law of God.  All mankind must acknowledge lawful government, and its Author, instead we have rogue elements that have controlled and perverted power and position to enslave, rather than ensure objective truth, along with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

As the Declaration of Independence states: "...But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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