Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Desecration Of St. Anselm College In New Hampshire..

This past February, the likes of Bernard (Bernie) Sanders, the radical Socialist and outright Communist, spewed his anti-Christ, anti-life propaganda before a group of students at St. Anselm College located in Manchester, New Hampshire, further polluting their indoctrinated minds.

But Sanders wasn't the only atheist, pro-death candidate to desecrate the once-hallowed halls of St. Anselm, there was the openly sodomite Buttigieg, along with other prominent members of the culture of death,

I can only imagine that the great St. Anselm must be weeping in disgust from his perch high in Heaven, to see what has happened to a "Catholic" college that bears his honored name.

If St. Anselm college is truly Catholic, then why are these anti-American, ultra-liberals invited to foster their lies and filth with the intention to erase the essential tenets of the Catholic faith: love of God -- in Whom they don't believe -- and love of neighbor, especially the most vulnerable of our neighbors, the pre-born?

Their malice and hate, not only for their Creator, but also for our duly elected president, Trump, should be clear for everyone to see and hear.  But the brainwashing of these young minds -- most, in their late teens and early twenties, continues with the blessing of the president of the college, Dr. Joseph A. Favazza, and, apparently, of the bishop of the Manchester diocese, Peter Libasci.

Remember, this is the same bishop that has persecuted the faithful religious and laity of the St. Benedict Center, for what?   For upholding the teachings of holy Mother Church!

The question begs: why did a so-called Catholic college give the opportunity to these anti-Catholic, anti-Natural Law, anti-Christ Socialists and Communists to speak in the first place?   Was it to show that they uphold and support the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of speech?  Perhaps, but this is exactly what these hard-core liberals want to deny to God-fearing, God-believing folks, such as you and I.   Or, is it to show how tolerant or inclusive they are in inviting the dregs of society to destroy whatever is left of the Catholic faith in the minds of still-impressionable students?

Common sense dictates that the time has long past that the association of St. Anselm College with Catholicism be stricken from the hearts and minds of all who's conscience is rightly formed.   Further, let bishop Libasci know that he has again failed in his duties to guide his flock to the heavenly beatitude, and instead is leading them straight to hell... 

These Modernist clerics are the ape of the Church; they are not doing the work of Christ, but that of the father of lies, Satan...

Pray for our country, and for the quick defeat of the anti-life, pro-homosexual cabal that is destroying what is left of the once-Catholic, post-Vatican II church...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla

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