Monday, March 23, 2020

Our Basic Human Rights Are Quickly Fading Away..

What is the Foundation of our basic human rights?

God is that Foundation which is recognized through the Natural Law.

These rights do not come from government, as some would have us believe.

It is the job of the government to guarantee and protect those rights as enumerated in the Bill of Rights -- the first Ten Amendments to our foundational document: the U.S. Constitution.

God does not fade away, but our Bill of Rights are quickly fading away with the onslaught of the so-called coronavirus flu through fear-mongering and anti-American propaganda.  Already, most "non-essential" businesses have been, or will be closing soon, leaving millions of workers in the lurch, without sufficient monies to pay their bills.  That is, until Big Brother steps in and rescues us!

Along with businesses, schools and churches have had their doors shuttered.

Why is this happening, and just who might be behind this massive conspiracy to attack the most prosperous nation on the face of the earth?

One possible answer, is the globalist cabal, along with their master, the Communists, especially Red China and the brutal -- give no quarter -- regime of President Xi.

All this is being done to bring down America without firing a single shot from the muzzle of an "assault rifle."

Our First Amendment right to freedom of speech; religion; and assembly are now in grave danger of being a distant memory, along with our Second Amendment -- which is an insurance policy, so to speak, to protect all of our other rights.  The Founders knew this, and we should know this, but do we?

As a practicing Catholic, I am at a loss as to why the U.S. bishops have not told the federal or state governments that they will not shutter the doors of their churches, or deny access of the faithful to the Traditional Latin Mass.

Isn't there a "separation of church and state" in this country, and yet we are witnessing the infringement of the government into church affairs?

Which is it?  Either there is separation, or there isn't!

We have been denied that precious First Amendment right to the freedom of religion, and the freedom to peaceably assemble (at Mass).

Why couldn't the bishops agree to the guidelines of the so-called social distancing and the like, and continue allowing Masses to be celebrated.  It is beyond belief that just at the time when we need the Bread of Life more than ever, we are now completely denied Christ's Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist...

Why the capitulation?

Why don't the U.S. bishops follow the example of the Polish Catholics (in Poland), and ensure that MORE Masses be celebrated in these trying times?

This whole scenario is a chastisement from God, whether initiated in the civil, or ecclesiastical realm, still, it stinks to high-heaven.  And, without the required backbone of the clergy, things will get much worse.

There is a good possibility that martial law will be imposed in short order, if that happens, America as we know it will no longer exist.  At that point, only another Declaration of Independence -- and action -- will suffice to live free or die -- still the motto of the State of New Hampshire!


Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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