Monday, March 9, 2020

The Political Correctness Of The Wimpish, Emascualated "Catholic" Clergy...

Far too many priests, bishops, cardinals -- and even the current pope, Bergoglio -- are flat-out wimps!

Is that too harsh a statement?   I think not.  Because they are more concerned with appeasing the world at large, rather than proclaiming the truth from the housetops in order to save the precious souls in their charge.   In fact, the emasculated -- make that effeminate -- Catholic clergy are afraid to carry out the mandate of Christ to preach and baptize, with most of mankind rotting in their sins, leaving them to their own devices.  This, of course, will lead them straight into hell for all eternity.

We must keep in mind, that God is all-merciful, and, at the same time, He is all-JUST -- one cannot be separated from the other.

He will have His vengeance, sayeth He!

This leads one to believe that most -- not all -- of those who wear the Roman collar, no longer hold supernatural faith, that is, if they ever had it to begin with.  If this is the case, then just who are these characters masquerading as supposed ministers of Christ?

A good question, no doubt...

What we do know, is that nearly three generations ago, males were recruited to infiltrate the seminaries and become priests, and burrow themselves deep into the body of the church, waiting for the right time to emerge and spread their filthy doctrine that was, and still is, diametrically opposed to the what their Master taught and died for.

These Communists and homosexual atheists have been outrageously successful in their quest to bring down the Church from within.   They have practically destroyed the last vestige of the moral and spiritual beacon that was looked to by all Catholics, and even non-Catholics, to help bring them through the rough seas of their own ship of state, and guide them to the smooth waters and safety of the inner harbor...

Political correctness, appeasing the enemy, combined with an effeminate, emasculated clergy, are certain recipes for spiritual disaster.

We should never despair, however, because Our Lord sent the Paraclete to teach all truth, and that the gates of hell will never prevail against His true Catholic Church...

We should all pray for what is left of good priests and bishops that they will have the courage and fortitude to continue in the face of almost overwhelming odds, to bring the light of the Gospel through Christ's Church -- the pillar and ground of truth...

Pray too, for our country, and an end to the scourges of abortion, contraception, homosexuality, euthanasia, and now infanticide, and for the stability of marriage -- between one man and one woman -- in this country and around the world...

Viva Cristo Rey!!   Fr.  Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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