Monday, March 30, 2020

The Strangeness Of Not Being Able To Attend And Assist At Mass...

Thou shalt keep holy the Lord's day...

During my non-practicing days as a "Catholic," I would stay overnight at my friend's house, recovering from my hangover from the previous late, Saturday night debauched antics.  I would make watching a Sunday football game a much higher priority than going to Mass.   I didn't care, nor did I even consider my prospects if I had died in a car accident without the benefit of Confession.  I was a spiritual mess; an alien to my own precious religion, yet always way in the back of my mind, there was that little "demon" called conscience, that kept nagging at me; letting me know that what I was doing was just plain wrong, and displeasing to God Almighty.

Thank goodness, through God's grace, and many years of prayers from some special folks, I eventually returned to the Fold.

That feeling of strangeness of not going to Mass has reared its ugly head once again, but this time, not out of laziness or spiritual sloth, but because of an edict handed down from the religious and civil hierarchs in the U.S., as well as in many parts of the world...

Yesterday, Sunday, March 29, 2020, was a day that will live in infamy -- to paraphrase what President Roosevelt stated to the joint session of Congress after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941.

With what incident or turn of events can I compare with the infamy of the attack on Pearl Harbor nearly seventy-nine years ago?

How about the attack on the Catholic Church since the satanic Second Vatican Council, and now, the closing of our church doors under the premise of keeping us physically safe from a supposed deadly strain of the flu?

How many Americans died in the attack on Pearl Harbor?  It is estimated that about 2,800 to 3,000 soldiers and sailors, as well as civilians were slaughtered in that savage military operation.

How many souls will be lost because of the depravation of the life-sustaining sacraments given to us by Christ through His church?

I can only guess at that number, but I have a strong suspicion that it can reach into the hundreds of thousands, or even the millions.  If I'm correct, that is the real fear and panic that should send chills up and down your spine!

Remember, the God-haters: atheists; Socialists, Communists, and other Satan worshippers have succeeded in bringing our country to its economic knees, as well as the spotless Bride of Christ to her knees, without firing one, single shot from the enemy's "assault rifle."

Why have the U.S. Catholic bishops caved to the secular authorities during this so-called pandemic?  Where is the supposed "separation of church and state" that is constantly used against the God-fearing in this country?

Why haven't the bishops laid down the law to the civilian authorities that their sanctions end at our church doors?

We could have Mass and the Bread of Life, so long as we adhere to the "social distancing" that is part of the recent guidelines put forth from the federal government.

Why deprive the faithful of the succor of the sublime Traditional Latin Mass and sacraments, without a fight? 

If there ever was a time to pray for strength for our bishops, now is the time.  They must, once again, become true shepherds, and not let the wolves scatter and devour the flock of the faithful.

Pray for our country, and President Trump...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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