Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Things Are Creepy Out There, But The Real Horror Show Is Right Around The Corner...

Today's date: March 31, 2020 -- in the year of OUR LORD.  Not in the year of Big Brother government.  Not the year of the deep-state medical establishment who have been incredibly successful in creating an atmosphere of fear and panic, along with their media lackeys.  Not the year of the sheeple.  And certainly not the year of freedom, but the beginning of slavery for you and your family.


Because of a strain of the flu (Coved-19, the coronavirus) that was born in Wuhan, China (Communist China, that is), and spread to other parts of the world, but a strain of the flu not nearly as deadly as many other strains that we have dealt with over the years, without shutting down the country.  The entire population has been put in jeopardy, causing fear and panic, not to mention cutting the supply chain so crucial to keeping the supermarket shelves filled with food and dry goods.

Is this an exaggeration?  Not in the least.  And that is something you can take to the bank, instead of the fiat currency that the "fed" keeps creating 24 hours-a-day.  In fact, they are printing so much make-believe "money," that the printing presses are running out of ink!

Have you driven down Main Street, U.S.A. recently?  What do you see?  Abandoned businesses, with some windows being boarded-up for fear of looters stealing whatever is left of an inventory gathering dust, instead of being sold to consumers.

Church doors are locked and barred from anyone wishing to worship God and beg for an end to His wrath, which is a chastisement rightly deserved by His slothful creatures.  We have to demand that our bishops show some backbone and re-open our churches, pronto, instead of capitulating to the (un)civil authorities.

Yet, liquor stores, gas stations, grocery stores, big box-stores, and many abortion mills are all open for business, but not our churches?  Does anyone see a pattern here?

We now have to worry about being arrested by the thought-police if we want to gather in a group of more than ten, to pray?

We are told to "hunker-down" and stay in place; self-quarantine, for the sake of the health of our neighbors.  We can no longer exert our rights under the First and Second Amendments.  With the Second Amendment key to protecting all of our other rights given to us by God, not by the government.

Are mandatory curfews next?

You know what all this reminds me of?  When I was in Vietnam nearly fifty-three years ago, one of my duties was being a machine-gunner on an escort jeep as we took the Vietnamese civilians back to their homes in Tuy Hoa City.  As we drove down the main street, every single building was full of bullet holes or worse.  The streets were deserted; shops were closed, yet these people lived in such an environment.

Will we see that here, minus the bullet-riddled homes and businesses?

It seems to me that President Trump is beginning to succumb to the miscreants that surround him; he is failing the constituents that elected him.

We are in dire straits.

The Real Horror Show Might Just Be Right Around The Corner...

It is time to reflect on our Declaration of Independence...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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