Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Last Nail In The Coffin Of The Novus Ordo "Catholic" Church: "Bishop" Suspends Extreme Unction/Confession!!!

From September 30th, in 1938, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, French Premier Edouard Daladier, and British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain sign the Munich Pact, which seals the fate of Czechoslovakia, virtually handing it over to Germany in the name of peace. Upon return to Britain, Chamberlain would declare that the meeting had achieved “peace in our time.”

Just as Chamberlain attempted to appease Hitler, and sold into slavery the free people of Czechoslovakia, the last nail in the coffin of the novus ordo "Catholic" church was just pounded into place by the "bishop" of Springfield, Massachusetts, Mitchell Rozanski.

What did Rozanski do?

He has officially suspended the last, and most important of the seven sacraments to Catholics about to die and face their Particular Judgment: Extreme Unction, because of the so-called Wuhan-coronavirus.

I have one, simple question for the priests in the Diocese of Springfield: will you give false obedience to an order that violates canon law, or will you rightfully disobey the supposed shepherd of the flock entrusted to him, and give the last measure of succor to a soul about to meet his Maker?

Every Catholic has the absolute right to Confession and Extreme Unction!

No bishop can prevent their priests from administering that last, and most important sacrament -- no bishop!

What the bishops of the United States have done, is to appease the secular, tyrannical authorities to a degree unheard of before in this country.  Have they forgotten the so-called "separation of church and state"?  Where is the gumption; the manhood of these bishops?  

Have they not one, single shred of supernatural faith left in the sinews of their bones? 

I am not alone in my condemnation of the almost-total capitulation of the hierarchy, as a few good and faithful bishops and some cardinals, are calling out the abuse of power of their brethren during the so-called pandemic of this latest strain of the flu bug.

But this is the poison fruit that we were spoon-fed from the Second Vatican Council, and forward...   You know; where "fresh air" was to be let into the stale, putrid, and rigid Catholic Church, but in reality, let in the smoke of Satan?

Just as the vampire is destroyed with a wooden stake driven through its heart, so too, the stake of the Cross is about to be driven into the heart of the false, novus ordo, one-world religion, and send it back to hell from whence it came...

Pray, also, to God Almighty that St. Michael the Archangel will miraculously blast open the doors of our churches, so we can offer sacrifice and prayers to Our Lord and end this nightmare of spiritual sloth and despair...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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