Sunday, April 26, 2020

Remember The Second Amendment?

Why is the Second Amendment listed just after the First Amendment?

Some may think that's a stupid question; thank you...

I'll explain in a minute, but first, here is the First...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. 

This sounds very much like common sense to me, and you?

The Second: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. 

If we take a look at the fundamental First, then we can see just how important it is, and what it guarantees: Freedom to practice our sacred religion.  And, in order to do that, we must peaceably assemble, that is, enter our churches and pray, without government interference.  Sadly, today, we have interference from the very ones that are supposed to be the head of the flock of the faithful, guiding us to the heavenly beatitude.

But our church doors are locked!   This is being done, we are told, to control or prevent the spread of the Wuhan-coronavirus (COVID-19), really?

So as we can see, there is a type of cooperation that has never before been seen in our country: Catholic bishops capitulating to the civil authorities to shut down our ability to worship Christ and receive His grace-giving sacraments, especially the Bread of Life in the Holy Eucharist...

Some bishops have even directed that the Last Rites of Extreme Unction be suspended indefinitely!   This is a very scary prospect for any Catholic nearing death, that is, dying without that soul-saving sacrament.

We have seen examples of some very brave pastors and ministers trying to hold church services only to be threatened with arrest or worse, even though they maintained the so-called "social distancing" as now required by dictate -- not law!

We are also seeing nearly 30,000,000 Americans recently unemployed because of a national lockdown, which, I might add -- according to Attorney General of the United States, William Barr,  has been classified as bordering on house arrest.  He is also threatening to file lawsuits against the various state governors for these draconian measures that are keeping businesses shut down along with our churches.  His actions, however, may be too little too late, I'm afraid, with breadwinners unable to pay mortgages or put food on the table.  When such things happen, and people are trapped or pushed into a corner, they can very easily strike back with a vengeance...

Without showing any more examples of such un-American activities being forced on a freedom-loving populace, I think it is easy to see the importance of the First Amendment.   We can also see how the Second Amendment gives us the ability to defend our way of life and familial traditions that make us who we are.  It also tells an overreaching, behemoth, intrusive central government that we the people will only take so much, and if we are pushed into that corner, we have the means to strike back with a vengeance!

That is why the Second Amendment is just after the First... and before all the other Amendments, for  without the Second, all of our rights that emanate from God, are meaningless, and can be trampled upon by tyrannical dictates of outlaw governors or other elected officials...

Remember, too, what Ben Franklin stated: those who give up their liberties for security [or "safety"], deserve neither...

Pray for our country, and stay strong and stay ready...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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