Sunday, April 5, 2020

Almost Complete Capitulation Of The American People To This Massive False Flag?

I am totally confounded by the near complete capitulation of the American public to the massive false flag that has been inflicted by the globalists in conjunction with the Chinese Communist Reds, using the Wuhan coronavirus, known as COVID-19, as a cover.

Our "authorities" are planning to force-vaccinate every single one of us.  If you think that is an exaggeration, think again.

Over the last few days, "Drs." Fauci and Birx, have intimated that every one that steps out of their homes should wear a face mask.  President Trump says that this is not Red China, and he is not going to wear a mask.  Let's see how long it is before he gives in to these medical tyrants, as he has given in to just about everything else they have demanded (not suggested!).

Further, the models that are being used by the CDC and NIH crowd, along with Fauci and Birx, are based on the Chinese models!  This is important, because we are being played for fools, as well as becoming nearly completely dependent on the government for money, housing and very soon, food.  There are already lines to get into a Walmart, Costco, etc.  Absolute rationing is just around the corner.

In a time when we should be praying until it hurts, and going to more Masses to offer sacrifice and beg for forgiveness for our spiritual sloth, and the murder of the pre-born, and other sins that cry to heaven for vengeance; the bishops have, instead, closed the doors of our churches.  Again, playing right into the hands of the globalists and Christ-haters.  Unbelievable!

And we are taking all of this without a fight?

That is also unbelievable!

What ever happened to the "greatest generation" that wiped out Hitler and Tojo?

I'll take a shot at an answer: the Communist conspiracy, coupled with their blood-lust to take over the world, along with the modernists in this country, and the moles in the Church, timed their "attack" with the calling for another council, which led to the Second Vatican Council.  The results have been devastating!  It weakened traditional church teaching on faith and morals, which led to the sexual and drug revolution of the '60s and '70s, to the present day.  Most importantly, the cheapening of the sanctity of life through abortion, contraception, homosexuality, euthanasia, and now infanticide, with the obvious side effect of weakening marriage and the family -- the building block of society.

These events have brought our country to its knees, both economically, and spiritually, again, without firing one, single shot!

Does it matter to my readers, that whatever is left of our Constitutional rights are quickly being consigned to the dustbin of history?  Are you -- and I -- going to let that happen?  I wonder...

A massive victory for our enemies...

God help us, and forgive us!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla
PS: the governor of Missouri has capitulated to the fear-mongers, and announced that the state will shut down until April 24th.  Don't put any money on that date, that is, if you have any money left.

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