Wednesday, April 15, 2020

No One Can Deny A Dying Catholic Extreme Unction -- NO ONE!!

The following is from Cardinal Sarah, the Prefect Of The Congregation Of Divine Worship, gleaned from an article in

"Asked what priests should do in this situation [during the fear mongering of the so-called Wuhan-coronavirus COVID-19], the cardinal replied:

“The Pope was very clear. Priests must do everything they can to remain close to the faithful. They must do everything in their power to assist the dying, without complicating the task of the caretakers and the civil authorities. But no one has the right to deprive a sick or dying person of the spiritual assistance of a priest. It is an absolute and inalienable right. In Italy, the clergy has already paid a heavy price. Seventy-five priests have died assisting the sick."

Let me repeat these extremely important words: it is an absolute and inalienable right!

There is no wiggle room here!

In a previous article from, we have this:

"This is in contrast to what the bishop of Springfield, Massachusetts, Mitchell Rozanski, has temporarily suspended last rites in all instances in his diocese in response to the coronavirus pandemic."

I ask the question: who is in-charge?

We faithful Catholics are accused of disobeying the bishop because we want our church doors unlocked and opened so we can worship Our Lord, but we are told to keep quiet and obey the dictates of the overreaching civil authorities.  But when the Prefect says otherwise, do the U.S. bishops obey him?  



Have they abandoned their mission that was commanded of them 2,000 years ago by Christ?  Apparently so...

What is the primary mission of the Catholic Church: the salvation of souls, not a false obedience to a tyrannical authority, whether secular or ecclesiastical.   

What has happened is that our supposed shepherds have deserted their flocks because of the approach and attack from the wolves, seeking whom they can devour.  They are acting more like the hireling, rather than as the head of the flock, to stand and defend -- to the death -- the chosen people of God.

It is said that America will never be the same after this lockdown is finally lifted, with millions of Americans no longer having access to their previous jobs.  A real tragedy!

But I say, that the Catholic Church in America will not be the same after things get back to "normal."

(This applies, I might add, mostly to the novus ordo -- new-world-order church created after the satanic Second Vatican Council, where the sacred liturgy was, for all practical purposes, destroyed by that demon Archbishop Bugnini, the chief architect of the new "mass.")

Pray for our country!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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