Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Is This A Science Fiction Movie, Or Is This For Real?

Back in the 1950s, there were some pretty decent sci-fi horror movies.  In fact, I wondered if watching the original "Thing" (1950, starring the future "Gunsmoke" actor, James Arness) might give me nightmares.  It didn't.   It was a great movie about a UFO that landed in Alaska near the Arctic Circle, and was buried under the ice until the research crew blew up the ice; the UFO flew back into space, but left behind was a being stuck in the ice.  It was a great beginning to the movie!  From that point on, I made sure all the lights were on in the living room, and grabbed my soda and popcorn.  I was ready to be frightened to death -- or near death, anyway...

As an aside, the actor, James Arness, who played the "Thing", starred in the "Gunsmoke" western series for twenty years!  The longest running western series in the history of TV; it ran from 1955 to 1975!!  I would like to mention that most actors that we see nowadays, have never served in the military, nor served in a real war, even though you see them in war movies with fake blood, fake mayhem and phony special effect scenes.  Not so with James Arness… He served in World War Two and was severely wounded in action.  That wound caused him great pain for the rest of his life, including during his acting years.  In my mind, he was a true hero in many ways...  In the "Gunsmoke" series, he always got the bad guy!  Isn't that the way it's supposed to be?

Even today, the good guys should get the bad guys, and throw them in jail to await trial for their crimes against society and their fellow man.  That applies to the real bad guys that have caused havoc in our country because of a false-flag pandemic of a certain strain of the flu bug...

We now know -- absolutely -- that the medical dictators have instructed that anyone -- anyone -- that dies, must show that they died from the Wuhan-coronavirus (COVID-19) on their death certificates!  All you have to do, is to listen to the "Dr.s" Fauci, and especially Brix, that doctors have to assume and presume that their patients had died from the Wuhan-coronavirus, regardless of any other underlying medical complications.

The numbers of folks that have passed away from complications along with the Wuhan-coronavirus, are far less than the seasonal flu bug.  Most disturbingly are those radical dictates from uninformed or biased governors thinking that's the way to stop or lessen the effects of this virus by locking everyone down, shutting  down businesses, and maintaining "social distancing."

These measures have proved to be an absolute disaster, not only for the economy, but for the fear and panic that these steps have ingrained in the minds of those who watch the mainstream media.  When you see people walking around with masks and gloves, it is easy to see that those policies have been proven frightfully successful, reducing grown men and women to the level of scared teenagers watching a sci-fi horror movie from Hollyweird...

There is another unintended -- or is it intended? -- effect of this "social distancing" and lockdown: the weakening of our immune system, and its ability to fight-off germs, bacteria and viruses...

We are told, or at least it is implied, that in the very near future, we may all be subjected to mandatory vaccinations, and without having those poisons injected into our bodies, we will be severely limited in our ability to travel, work or even go to church, or associate with others -- even with members of our own families, perhaps?

This is a globalist and population control dream come true, and it's all happening without the enemy firing a single shot from that much maligned, so-called "assault rifle"...

Satan is laughing all the way to the bank...

The real horror story is that mankind will beg to be healed and kept safe from the tribulations of the world -- from other men, instead of depending on Christ, Our Lord, the only real Healer of mankind...

Pray for Russia to be -- finally -- consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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