Friday, April 10, 2020

All Catholics/Christians MUST Read This Article!!!

Here is the link to this extremely important article: public authority.

It is important to acknowledge the fact of the loss of supernatural faith among the overwhelming majority of Catholic bishops -- those entrusted with the responsibility to protect the flock of souls, and guide them to the heavenly beatitude -- capitulating to Caesar in all things secular...

Here is the link to my recent article: "render unto Caesar".

We can shop at Walmart, but cannot enter our Churches and go to Mass and offer sacrifice and beg for God's mercy in these distressing times?

God has been kicked out of the public sphere -- with the help of a weakened and emasculated hierarchy in this country.  It is time for the few remaining good and holy Catholic bishops and priests to stand up and say: "we're not going to take it anymore; our church doors will be flung open so we can worship Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, whether you like it or not!"

Let me ask you all this question: when conducting the daily Wuhan-coronavirus briefings, when was the last time you heard any of these so-called medical "experts" or scientists invoke God almighty to help strengthen our nation and beg for succor?  


The secular-humanist God-haters have succeeded in suppressing our First Amendment right to practice our religion, and they did it without firing one, single shot from an "assault rifle."

It is time to go back to Mass now!  Not later!

Pray for the almost 16-17 MILLION Americans thrown out of work, unable to support their families because of a particular strain of a coronavirus.

God help us!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Mr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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