Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Loss Of The Sanctity Of Life Began When Cain Killed His Brother, Abel...

Cain slew his brother, Abel, out of envy and jealousy.  From that point on, the loss of the sanctity of life began, and continues to this very day.  Only, instead of using a rock to bash in the head of his brother, today we use such things as dismemberment, chemicals, guns, knives, baseball bats, strangulation, vehicles, poisons, fear and authoritarian control, wars and rumors of wars, abandonment, extreme prejudice, and about a million other ways to extinguish the most important gift given to us by our God.

Yesterday, April 29, 2020, my wife's brother, Danny, passed away from complications from many ailments that he had for many years, all topped-off by a severe strain of the flu.  And because of draconian measures instituted by the governor of Massachusetts, he died alone, without any family members present to console him, pray over him, or at least say goodbye.

To make matters even much worse, there is to be no funeral; no final farewells...

These turn of events are all due to a massive disruption of our country, and its traditions, because of a supposed "deadly" strain of the flu; the Wuhan-coronavirus (COVID-19).

Our entire country has been shut-down; lives are in turmoil because of the lack of work and paychecks needed to feed and clothe family members, along with the inability to pay mortgages or rents.  Savings have been used up just to try to keep things on an even keel...

People are required to wear masks in some localities, at all times.  We are told to stay at home until our "masters" let us out of the house, and if you gather with family or friends, there cannot be more than five or ten together -- and be socially distanced...

Some law-enforcement authorities have gone completely insane, fining and arresting those innocent citizens because they want to go to church, even if they are in cars, in parking lots, listening on loud speakers to their brave priests or ministers.  One cannot walk along a beach, or sit in the sun in a park because of the possibility of spreading germs or bacteria to someone else, even if they're ten feet away!

Officials are becoming Howard Hughes-like in thinking that every single person must be free from every single germ or flu bug before things can return to any semblance of normalcy -- that's not possible, nor should it be.

But we cannot be germ-free, or bacteria-free, or virus-free, because if we are totally disease-free, then our immune system will weaken, suffer, and eventually be unable to fend-off even the slightest of colds or flu, or anything else for that matter.  Could it be that this is what they want?

The level of authoritarian control is beginning to equal that of the worst seen in Communist countries, especially the tactics used under the evil regime of Joseph Stalin in the former Soviet Union.

Most church doors are locked shut; we cannot even attend the funeral of a loved one; our First Amendment rights are being denied, especially to freely practice our religion, or peaceably assemble, or criticize these inhumane measures that are killing our country and our spirit!

Why is all this happening?  

I have an answer: the loss of the sanctity of life, and the almost complete rejection of the Author of life, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the redirection of worship to His enemy, Satan, the prince of darkness, malice and hate...

Pray earnestly for our country, now more than ever...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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