Monday, April 6, 2020

Consecrate Russia To The Immaculate Heart Of Mary?

At Fatima, in 1917, Our Lady (the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ) appeared to three little peasant children.  One of the "requests" that she made, is that Russia should be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart.  This is to be done by the Pope in conjunction with all the bishops of the world.

This "request" had to be done in order for Russia to stop spreading her errors: the errors of Communism, atheism as well as the attempt to take over what remained of the free world.

Of course, I agree that this consecration should be done.

Some in the Church have claimed that this "request" has been fulfilled.

It hasn't...

And because it hasn't, we continue to suffer the consequences.

Now, for those who think that I'm some kind of extreme conspiracy theorist, take a quick look at what is happening in our country, and in the world at large.  If what you see doesn't move you to tears of fear and trepidation, then what will?

So when will the consecration of Russia happen?  That's anyone's guess, but in the meantime I have another suggestion: consecrate the United States of America to the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

But why?

Isn't America spreading her errors throughout the world?

The answer couldn't be more clear...

Take, for instance, the number of pre-born children that have been slaughtered in the womb for the year 2018: According to "planned parenthood's" 2018 report, 332,757 unborn children were aborted, raking in $1.66 billion in revenue.  Not to mention that "planned parenthood" -- a.k.a., Murder, Inc., received over $500,000,000 -- that's HALF-A-BILLION bucks of taxpayer's (blood money).

What about same-sex (homosexual) "marriage"?   

I can also list contraception, euthanasia, and now infanticide -- the killing of the poor baby that has survived the attempt to kill her through abortion...

Oh, and let's not forget the newest novelty: drag queen story hour at your local library, attended by stupid, brainwashed parents with their impressionable children in tow, exposing them to filthy males dressed as females, spouting their bizarre ideology to further confuse these young minds.

Do we need some more examples of the U.S. spreading her errors? 

How about all the sovereign countries that we have invaded and occupied over the last 20+ years or so, sacrificing our troops' lives and depleting  our treasury all in the name of spreading our form of democracy?

Our church doors have been locked shut, so where are we supposed to go to offer sacrifice and pray for forgiveness from God almighty for our numerous and grievous sins, and receive the Bread of Life in the Eucharist; the Internet??  That's  not going to work.   Nice going bishops...

Isn't that enough to beg that our country be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by all the bishops of the U.S., in conjunction with the pope?

I think it is, but don't hold your breath, because you'll turn blue in the face and attain room-temperature before that happens, I'm afraid...

Pray more than ever for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us.

Gene DeLalla

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