Monday, April 20, 2020

What To Believe?

Day in, and day out, we Americans are bombarded with "news" from anti-Americans.

What does that mean?

Here is the explanation; read it and weep!

Here in the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave, we patriots are consistently and constantly, bombarded with made-up "facts," innuendo, and outright lies.   Nowhere is this more evident since the election of Donald Trump to the highest office in the land.  And whether one agrees or disagrees with his ideology, or his stance on issues, the fact remains that he has been the target of a massive attempt to color him as some monster from Planet-X, or worse...

This includes an unraveling of an attempt at a soft coup, engineered by the deep-state intelligence community, in conjunction with those moles in the justice department, especially those at the FBI, of all places!

But there is hope just over the horizon, as the real possibility of criminal indictments may be coming in the very near future, and that just might shock the American populace when names and agencies are made public.  Let us hope that some measure of justice will finally prevail...

Let us look, however, at a daily coup being perpetrated by those media lackeys that have forgotten what it means to be a real journalist, and, instead of reporting facts, they impose their own biased opinions that includes a playbook used by the mainstream networks and wire services.  If you doubt  there is a playbook, think again.  Simply watch an attack or lie, and see the repetition on every single news outlet, sounding like a broken record unable to skip over the scratch.  Yes, we older folks remember real records, played on Victrola's!!

Those attacks and lies, by the way, are mostly directed at Mr. Trump, and they are also coming from the so-called medical experts -- though in more subtle ways -- that have surrounded him in order to put together a battle plan to defeat the Wuhan-coronavirus (COVID-19).  And because he is following their dictates; their directives, the results have been devastating, with 25,000,000 to 30,000,000 Americans losing their only means of supporting their families, leading to more despair and deaths than the Wuhan-coronavirus itself.

The truth is, however, that a virus cannot be defeated.  It has to run its course.

Has anyone ever had a cold?  That's a virus.  Ever had the flu?  That's a virus, etc, etc.

Now, we are told -- as of today, April 20, 2020 -- that the death toll from the Wuhan-coronavirus is now over 40,000, with about 750,000 infected, here in the U.S., along with over 70,000 people recovered from the virus, at least that's what we are told.  The actual number of the recovered, however, is close to 80 percent, not the implied ten percent...

But wait!  If there are 40,000 deaths, and 70,000 recovered, that adds up to a total of 110,000.  Where is the other 640,000 coming from?  Are they all still in the hospital?  This is something that we have to know.

Frankly, I don't believe the numbers, and here's the reason... The medical experts have directed that anyone who dies from any cause should have the reason for their death listed on their death certificates as being from the Wuhan-coronavirus (COVID-19).  I am not making this up... Just last weekend, during the daily briefing, I heard with my own ears, "Dr." Birx use the terms presumptive and assumptive when referring to the cause of death, boosting the numbers that adds thousands to the death toll from the current version of the coronavirus.

Fortunately -- and I say, fortunately -- these deep-state moles can't keep their stories straight, and this is becoming more and more evident with each passing day.  I ask you, Mr. President: why can't you see this?  Why are you blind to their antics that have caused enormous economic and social disorder, as well as a mindset of despair, fear and panic among our citizens?

This massive deception cannot go on much longer, without a total destruction of the-once most prosperous and charitable nation on the face of the earth.

As I have written many times: we get what we deserve, and that will continue unless and until our nation turns away from the scourges that affect and infect our beloved country, especially the killing of the pre-born, and now infanticide.  How can we expect God to bless our country, when we kill His gift of life to us, as co-creators with Him?

Pray earnestly for our country, and pray for mercy from our good God...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

PS: I leave my readers with this last thought: remember "9/11" and Building 7 coming down in an act of perfect demolition? And what about those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that didn't exist, yet that lie got us involved in never-ending wars in the Middle East that cost the death and maiming of thousands of American troops?  Etc., etc., etc...

Gene DeLalla

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