Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The "Second Pearl Harbor" Was The "9/11" Event, And The Third Pearl Harbor?

The "Day That Will Live In Infamy" was the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.  Nearly 3,000 sailors and civilians died during and after, from wounds and burns...

Pearl Harbor injected us into the Second World War, whether the country wanted to stay neutral or not, the die was cast, and the "greatest generation" was born, and reserved for itself a permanent place in the history books.

Jump forward about forty or so years, and the call for a new-world-order -- and a new Pearl Harbor --echoed from the mouths of Republican presidents, as well as the hard Left Marxists.  So much for any difference between the Democrats (Demonrats) and the Republicans... Just follow the filthy lucre trail, and you'll find the diabolical spirit, not the Holy Spirit, ruling the intellects of these God-haters.

It didn't take long for the call for the "new Pearl Harbor" to be fulfilled: September 11, 2001, with the "attacks" on the Twin Towers in New York City.

In horror, we watched the real act of terrorism right before our eyes, and Building 7 coming down through an act of perfect demolition, not a plane.

I wonder how many people know that one of the owners of the World Trade Center complex, that included Building 7, Larry Silverstein, made the following comment regarding Building 7...

 "I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, 'We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And they made that decision to pull and then we watched the building collapse."

What happened just before, and after "9/11"?

Draconian legislation and laws had been previously written, with little opposition, to drastically curb our civil rights, including our right to habeas corpus, enumerated in the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution.

How about two major wars in the Middle East -- Afghanistan and Iraq -- costing thousands of American troops KIA (killed in action), and WIA (wounded in action), not to mention trillions of dollars of taxpayer monies.  Republican President Bush declared victory against the bad guys, but 19 years later we still have troops on the ground in those war-torn countries!

Our country has never been the same since...

And now the Third Pearl Harbor: man-made pandemics that go by many names... Let's take the present one: the so-called Wuhan-coronavirus -- COVID-19...

What this massive conspiracy has done to the United States, no past war has ever been able to do: the near-ruin of the most prosperous economy in the world, but not only that...  I wonder how many people know that the U.S. ships food to nearly half the world -- one of our greatest charitable acts. But with farmers unable to get some of their produce and milk products to market because of the shutting down of many intermediaries, their food is rotting and milk is being dumped down the drain... In fact, the food supply to our own citizens is in dire jeopardy!

But there is another weapon that the enemy uses with any epidemic or pandemic: fear and panic, perhaps one of the most personal and emotional elements that can lead to decent folk doing unwise and even life-threatening acts, especially when it comes to providing for their families...

Various government and private health agencies have been given enormous powers and influence to combat this newest perceived threat to our country.  This includes influencing President Trump to take some dangerous and unjust actions to shut-down our businesses as well as curtailing our freedom of movement, with so-called "stay at home" and "self-quarantine" orders from the executive branch, and weak-kneed governors of the various states.

Keep in mind, that the statistics used by the medical tyrants are being cooked to make it look as though every infectious case, and every death, is attributable to the Wuhan-coronavirus.  If one digs a little deeper into what we are being told, a completely different scenario appears!  

Do some research, and don't buy the line that is being spoon-fed to us on a daily basis by these out-of-control bureaucrats...

Add to this dilemma, ecclesiastical leaders here in the U.S. and abroad, have caved to the orders of the civil authorities, and have locked and barred the doors to our churches, just when we need the house of God opened to beg for mercy and offer sacrifice for the numerous and heinous personal sins, as well as the sins of our nation, especially the killing of His gift of life through abortion and now infanticide... 

Is this man-made pandemic a tool that God is using as a chastisement against mankind for his spiritual sloth, and replacing the Almighty with man as the center of the universe?  It seems so...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us..

Gene DeLalla


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