Image Credits: aurumarcus | Getty.
Studies estimate that the economic recession spawned by government-mandated “shutdowns” in the name of coronavirus safety could result in suicide rates thirteen times higher than deaths caused by the virus itself.
A study published by Goldman Sachs on Monday calculated the unemployment rate could rise from 3% to 15% over the next few months.
Authored by economist Jan Hatzius, the new report titled “The Sudden Stop: A Deeper Trough, A Bigger Rebound,” forecasts the unemployment rate rising 12% by midyear.
Another study titled, “The Economics of Suicide: An Empirical Study of America’s Rising Suicide Rate,” estimates the correlation between unemployment and suicide rates.
According to the 2014 findings, with a “1% increase in the annual unemployment rate, approximately 21 additional suicides per 100,000 of the population can be expected.”
With the current American population estimated to sit at 330 million, that means each 1% increase in unemployment would result in 69,300 new suicides.
With Goldman Sachs predicting a 12% rise in unemployment over the next few months, America could see up to 831,600 additional suicides attributed to job loss.
Does it make sense to kill the economy because of a perceived threat from a virus that is far less prevalent than the seasonal flu? I'll stick my neck out and say, no, it does not, especially when people take their own lives because of total depair. Of course, I do not agree with a person taking his/her own life, as this act rejects any help from the grace of God, and plays into the hands of the devil. I cannot, however, judge a person's soul or heart, but only the outward actions and words of that particular person. So, the act of suicide is a disaster for that person, and any family members he/she leaves behind, especially because the consequences of suicide are eternal. The only thing we can do in such circumstances is to leave the subjective judgment of that person in the hands of God, and pray for mercy...
Pray earnestly for our country...
Viva Cristo Rey! Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...
Gene DeLalla
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