Monday, April 27, 2020

Abraham Lincoln: "You Can Fool Some Of The People All Of The Time..."

Abraham Lincoln said: “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”

I have to agree with our sixteenth president.

Take a look at the absolute success of the fear-mongering and panic of the deep-state medical "authorities" concerning the so-called Wuhan-coronavirus (COVID-19).  

Here are some facts: The country is shut down.   Nearly 30,000,000 (that's MILLION) Americans are out of work.  Note: the figure may actually be much higher, as many of the state employment offices were overwhelmed by those seeking to file claims.  

The food chain is dramatically breaking down; this will be reflected in the months to come...

People have been brainwashed into wearing masks, and in some cases, snitching on those who don't.

The numbers of deaths attributed to the Wuhan-coronavirus (COVID-19) have been "cooked" to further scare the populace.  This is not my opinion, but actual dictates from the conspirators to label the cause of death as being from the Wuhan-coronavirus (COVID-19) regardless of the actual cause

The people have been fooled out of fear to capitulate to the anti-Christ globalists, meekly and sheepishly, giving up their Constitutional rights for "security" and "safety"...

The utter contempt for our American way of life, and our freedoms, have paralyzed far too many of our citizens, causing them to bow-down to the those tyrannical medical dictators who seem to be heavily influencing President Trump, making him little more than a figurehead of a beleaguered nation.

Some small businesses will reopen when this "pandemic" is all over -- or will it ever be "all over"? -- but many will never reopen.

Dare to assemble or go to church, and you'll find yourself handcuffed and under arrest, further eroding our rights under the First Amendment.   

With all these data to consider, it is easy to fall into a depression, not only economic, but also a far worse mental depression.  This has already become a reality, as suicides as well as abuse of alcohol and, sadly, causing more abuse of family members as well.

But then t
here appears to be some hope!   More and more fed-up Americans are taking to the streets to protest their respective elected representatives, especially their governors, demanding their rights be reinstated post-haste.

But the real, permanent changes will only happen if and when we, as a nation, return to the tenets of the Natural Law, and the Author of that law, Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and His social Kingship.  If we don't recognize our failings and our dependence on Him, then our strictly human efforts will be doomed to failure...

Pray for earnestly for our country...

Viva Crisot Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla  

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