Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Risen Lord Has Conquered Evil and Death!!

It seems as though the father of lies, Satan, is winning the battle for the souls of mankind on all fronts.

It seems as though we are surrounded by death from an uncontrollable and deadly flu virus.

It seems as though the mayhem and death of pre-born babies will not be avenged.

It seems as though our locked and barred church doors are keeping us from Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

It seems as though He is hidden from us because of weak shepherds afraid to stand up and exert the authority as passed down from the Apostles.

It seems as though our economic stability just crashed like a house of cards.

It seems as though despair is replacing hope.

It seems as though there is a feeling of being lost and abandoned.

It seems as though we have been thrown to the wolves by those who run our country, and the deep-state medical "authorities" who have taken over the duties of our president.

It seems as though the pain and anxiety of those who have lost their jobs, unable to provide for their families is beginning to take a very heavy toll.

It really does seem as though we will never fully recover from the present turmoil that has been inflicted on our country.

Yes, it does seem as though there is little hope at this juncture...

I said -- it seems as though, as looks can be deceiving...

But today is Easter Sunday: the day the Lord has risen and conquered evil and death, and opened the doors to Heaven forevermore!

Satan and his minions, have been defeated!

Our human trials and tribulations will pass in time, and it is important to know that we will not be abandoned; we will not be left orphans...

Just as St. Thomas wouldn't believe that his Master had risen from the dead unless he put his finger into His side where the lance had pierced His sacred body, so too, unless we see signs and wonders, we too won't believe, or have a weak and shallow faith.

It is time for men to be men, and women to be women and fight the fiery darts of the demon who would like nothing better than to see us capitulate to the sin of total despair, and reject the virtue of Hope...

Pray for strength and guidance, and pray for those folks who have lost their only means of providing for their families, that our country may not only turn things around economically, but, as a nation, turn to Christ and beg for mercy and forgiveness for our numerous and heinous sins...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 

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