Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A Flu Bug Killed The U.S. Constitution -- And The U.S.?

What happened to the U.S. Constitution?

Does anyone care?

If no one cares, then the Constitution is, for all practical purposes, DOA (that's dead on arrival).

Does anyone realize how successful the war against America has been since the man-made Wuhan-coronavirus attacked America in a planned take-down, not only of our economy, but also of our God-given rights?

Take for instance, the First Amendment... it does not only enumerate our freedom of speech, but also our freedom to practice our religion (go to church!), and to peaceably assemble (in groups of more than 5 or 10!).

Since the "lockdown," the First Amendment is on life-support; the prognosis is not good for its survival.

The Second Amendment?  Most gun shops have been shut down, not only that, but extremist, hard Left governors and petty, tyrannical mayors have imposed draconian requirements on law-abiding gun owners to buy weapons -- and ammunition.

Their reason: to lessen gun violence, and make the citizenry safer.

Are they serious?

Remember that it is the law-abiding citizen that is shackled with these new anti-Second Amendment measures, not the outlaw; not the bad guy; not the gang-banger; not the drug lords roaming the streets.   The bad guys are laughing their collective heads right off their shoulders...

So can the civil authorities that impose these new restrictions be that stupid, or is there a more sinister agenda here?

The answer is quite apparent: kill the Second Amendment, and you become subject to the leftist dictators hell-bent on transforming our country into another socialist utopia with the government controlling every aspect of our lives...

Remember too, that if the Second Amendment falls, then the First, and all the other amendments to the Bill of Rights also fall.  

We cannot let this happen!

Our rights come from God almighty, and enshrined in the Constitution; these precious rights are not granted by the government!

The economy is also on life-support, with nearly twenty-million -- 20,000,000 Americans losing their jobs because of an unusual, man-made strain of the flu that originated in Wuhan, China.

When businesses re-open, if they all do, how many will get their jobs back?

It looks as though that more than a few businesses will permanently shut their doors, as many have been operating on very thin margins in the first place.

One last question... How many of those unfortunate folk who died over the last two months, have, in fact, died from the Wuhan-coronavirus?  The medical dictators have directed those in-charge, to indicate on death certificates that the reason for their demise was the Wuhan-coronavirus, whether that was the cause or not!  This is not my opinion, but came right from the mouths of the Fauci-Birx cabal running and ruining our country.  Sadly, President Trump has been reduced to a mere figurehead, not a leader of the most powerful and -- formerly -- prosperous country in the world...

God help us, and pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla   

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