Saturday, April 18, 2020

Don't Wear A Mask? YOU Are The Enemy!

The numbers of deaths from the Wuhan-coronavirus, COVID-19, is estimated at about 35,000 here  in the U.S. of A.

That's sad -- if it's true.

The fact is, the number of deaths from the Wuhan-coronavirus is far less.

How do I know?  Am I a mind reader?  Do I have "gnostic" information?

No.  But what I do have are the actual directives from the medical establishment, especially "Drs." Fauci and Birx to list on death certificates -- regardless of the ultimate cause of death -- as being due to the Wuhan-virus!

Why do you think that the powers that be have listed new statistics indicating that deaths from heart disease, the seasonal flu, dementia, and other causes, have decreased dramatically? 


Because those deaths have magically morphed into deaths due to the Wuhan-coronavirus (COVID-19)!!!

Wake up, America!

Stop the brainwashing!  Stop listening to the chief liars: CNN, as well as any other mainstream media that have consistently attacked anyone who attempts to expose the truth.

Think about this: the number of Americans that have lost their jobs due to fear-mongering and panic is close to 25,000,000 to 30,000,000!

Most of those folks have families and mortgages to pay; food to put on the table; clothes for their children; medical care for their families, etc...  And the list goes on...

Don't wear a mask?  You are the enemy!

Just yesterday, my wife and I went into a "natural food store," only to be greeted with posted instructions, one of which read: if you have been tested positive for the COVID-19, and you decide to shop in our store, we will report you to the health department officials.

My question: how would those store managers know that we have tested positive in the first place??

Sounds just like Nazi Germany, or the evil Stalin's Soviet Secret Police state.  Is that what we are coming to?  A Soviet-style police state?

Many God-fearing folk have been threatened with arrest just for trying to go to church, even if in their own cars, away from others!

I, for one, will never comply with such draconian measures by tyrannical dictators, whether governors, mayors, bishops, or even the president.

We relocated from New Hampshire, whose motto on our license plates reads: Live Free Or Die!

If we are not willing to stand up to these God-hating, freedom-hating miscreants, then we get what we deserve...

Oh, by the way, my wife and I didn't wear a mask when we entered that "natural food store," nor will we ever wear a mask -- or get vaccinated!

Pray for our country.

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, Pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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