Friday, April 17, 2020

Farmers Are Dumping Food, Or Giving It Away -- Because Their Customers Are Drying Up!!!

One of the main customers of our farmers are restaurants.  And since far too many restaurants have been shut down out of fear-mongering and panic over a strain of a man-made flu bug, the farmers are dumping, or ploughing under their crops; some are actually giving food away!

The government-sponsored lockdown of our society, has caused the loss of nearly 25,000,000 American jobs.  That's bad enough, but the reality is, is that the supply chains are grinding to a halt; this will eventually find its way to your local supermarket or Costco or Sam's Club or Walmart, etc.  As far as your local mom and pop little convenience food stores, they too just might disappear from the scene, post-haste...

How many of our precious farmers will have to file for bankruptcy and leave the land that they have worked for generations because of edicts from tyrannical federal and state agencies, mainly liberal, Demonrat governors and mayors overstepping their authority.

But we must keep our "social distance," according to the Leftist cronies in the federal government and what passes for the source of information for most of the American populace...

And don't dare try to go to Mass or other church services, or you just might be arrested and thrown in jail by the Gestapo "authorities."  The examples of this happening in the land of the free, and the home of the brave are legion!

The plan to keep law-abiding citizens under their heavy-handed policies has succeeded beyond their wildest dreams!  Resist, and you'll pay the price!

What does all this lead to?  Control.  Control of our lives in all respects, and that includes consigning our God-given rights as enumerated under the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution to the dustbin of history.

This is not an exaggeration!

Pray for our dear farmers and pray for our nation as a whole, for without hope, we will all fall prey to the enemies of freedom, especially the enemies of Christ, Our Lord.

Isn't that the ultimate goal: to destroy our faith in God Almighty, along with transforming our country into a Socialist/Communist utopia, where all are "equal"?

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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